Greek Mythology ….Oh to be among the gods!
Greek mythology is the body of myths and legends belonging to the ancient Greeks, concerning their gods and heroes, the nature of the world, and the origins and significance of their own cult and ritual practices. They were a part of religion in ancient Greece. Modern scholars refer to, and study the myths in an attempt to throw light on the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece, its civilization, and to gain understanding of the nature of myth-making itself. ancient Greeksgodsheroesthe nature of the worldcultritualreligion in ancient Greece
Zeus Zeus is the king of all the gods. He divided up the world with his brothers, Hades and Poseidon. Zeus becomes ruler of the sky and earth. Zeus has many children all of whom have powers. However, Zeus has more powers than anyone else.
Hades Hades is the lord of the dead in the Underworld. He’s so scary that people would not even say his name. Guests in the underworld are greeted by his three-headed dog. His brother, Zeus tricked the beautiful Persephone into marrying Hades. Her mother, Demeter, goddess of agriculture, makes a deal with Hades so Persephone only has to stay with Hades for part of the year causing winter weather.
Poseidon Poseidon was god of the sea and brother to Zeus and Hades. In Homer’s famous Odyssey he punishes Odysseus because Odysseus blinded his son the Cyclops. He is able to cause storms with the use of his trident, 3 pronged spear. Earthquakes are believed to be caused by his wrath as well.
Hephaestus Hephaestus is the god of metalworking and is married to the unfaithful Aphrodite. He forges all the weapons for the gods. He works beneath the Earth’s surface. His smashing of steel into molten lava creates earthquakes and volcanoes
Athena Athena is the firstborn and favorite child of Zeus. She is known as the goddess of wisdom. According to the myth, she busts out of his head fully grown and dressed for battle. She often uses her intelligence to rescue Greek heroes. She is the protectress of the city, Athens and has the Parthenon built for her as a temple.
Apollo Apollo is god of the sun and twin to Artemis. His daily task is to drive the sun across the sky. During the Trojan War he helps the Trojans and helps kill legendary Greek warrior, Achilles.
Ares Ares is known as the god of war, not for his skill but because he liked all the violence. His parents were Zeus and Hera. He is father to the twins, Remus and Romulus. Romulus will eventually become the 1 st king of Rome.
Artemis Artemis is the goddess of the moon and hunting. Artemis, being a female, would seek revenge if she felt someone wronged her.
Hera Hera was married to Zeus and is therefore queen of the gods. Most of her time is spent causing trouble for all of her husband’s girlfriends and their children. She is most famous for trying to destroy Hercules. Her sacred animal is the peacock.
Aphrodite Aphrodite is the goddess of love and beauty. She plays a part in starting the Trojan War. In order to win a beauty contest she bribes Paris with the most beautiful woman in the human world, Helen. When she runs away with Paris the Greeks go after her and thus begins the war.