IMPORTANT FACTS Artemis (Greek) = Diana (Roman) = Aeginaea = Cynthia = Phoebe = Aetole = Alphaea = Anaitis…… Goddess of Chastity & Virginity, the Hunt, Forest & Hills, the Moon, & Archery Symbol: golden bow & arrows, stags, hunting dog, & moon One of the Twelve Olympians One of the Three Maiden (Virgin) Goddesses
Zeus (Jupiter/Jove) King of the Gods God of the Sky & Thunder Hera (Juno) Queen of the Gods Goddess of Women Leto (Latona) Goddess Apollo God of the Sun, the Arts & Medicine Artemis (Diana) Goddess of the Moon & Hunting FAMILY TREE
STORIES Birth Childhood Alpheus Bouphagos Sipriotes Actaeon Adonis Orion The Aloadae (Otos & Ephialtes) Callisto Agamemnon & Iphgenia Niobe Chione Atalanta Oeneus Meleager & the Meleagrids Aura & Lakhos Polyphonte, Agrius, & Oreius Trojan War
1. BIRTH Get out!!!
2. CHILDHOOD – 3 YRS OLD 6 Wishes 1. Virginity 2. Bow & Arrows 3. Hunting Costume 4. Phaesporia Daughters of Okeanus 6. Mountains
STORIES Birth Childhood Alpheus Bouphagos Sipriotes Actaeon Adonis Orion The Aloadae (Otos & Ephialtes) Callisto Agamemnon & Iphgenia Niobe Chione Atalanta Oeneus Meleager & the Meleagrids Aura & Lakhos Polyphonte, Agrius, & Oreius Trojan War
VERY, VERY IMPORTANT!!! Arts Astronomy Epithets Festivals Cults Myths
REFERENCES FOR PICTURES (IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE) Pic 1, 5, 14, & 18: Pic 2 & 7: Pic 3, 8, & 17: Pic 4 & 9: FahA&ust= https:// FahA&ust= Pic 6 & 15: XkviFe2S6NpoiPiQgA&ust= https:// XkviFe2S6NpoiPiQgA&ust= Pic 10 & 19: outline&psig=AFQjCNHMaTaMfA6HyRXJioT5IYZRrw498Q&ust= https:// outline&psig=AFQjCNHMaTaMfA6HyRXJioT5IYZRrw498Q&ust= Pic 11: Pic 12: xWzihiyA0pSAOSew&ust= https:// xWzihiyA0pSAOSew&ust= Pic 13: map.htm&psig=AFQjCNGR5ZSSbRPQt7B3Npt0V2ebuOocyw&ust= https:// map.htm&psig=AFQjCNGR5ZSSbRPQt7B3Npt0V2ebuOocyw&ust= Pic 16: K42YorYp4xR7etbgu4QmEQa2Dg&ust= https:// K42YorYp4xR7etbgu4QmEQa2Dg&ust= Pic 20: Pic 21: Pic 22: Pic 23: Pic 24: Pic 25: Pic 26: Pic 27: star%2F&psig=AFQjCNGwFk5DQEuv0UD89sG-OZVdOVqkjQ&ust= https:// star%2F&psig=AFQjCNGwFk5DQEuv0UD89sG-OZVdOVqkjQ&ust=
REFERENCES "12 OLYMPIAN GODS." 12 OLYMPIAN GODS. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug ( "Artemis." Artemis. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug ( "ARTEMIS - Greek Goddess of Hunting & Wild Animals." Theoi Greek Mythology. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug ( "ARTEMIS/DIANA,GODDESS OF THE MOON." Artemis/Diana, Goddess of the Moon. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug ( "Diana - Goddess of the Moon and Hunting - Crystalinks." Diana - Goddess of the Moon and Hunting - Crystalinks. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug ( "Greek Mythology Family Tree." « UsefulCharts.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug ( "Six Wishes." Artemis. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug ( "Virgin Goddesses." Riordan Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Aug (