Team 7 Chaofan Chen Dhruvmin Gandhi Larry Gerhardt Pulse-width Modulation with the TIVA C
Introduction to Pulse-width Modulation (PWM) The Tiva C PWM Module Basic PWM Setup with the Tiva C Example Code Presentation Overview
Duty Cycle Period What is Pulse Width Modulation
Dimming Motor Control Servo Control Analog wave simulation Why use pulse-width modulation
Tiva C Two PWM Modules Four Generators Each generator has Two Outputs Total 16 PWM output The Tiva C PWM Module
Fast PWM Count Down Mode Phase Correct PWM Count Up/Count Down Mode Symmetric vs Asymmetric PWM
Count-Down VS Count-Up/Count-Down
Count-Up/Count-Down Example
Pulse-width Modulation with Tiva C Five Basic Steps 1)Clock Configuration 2)Peripheral Enable 3)GPIO Configuration 4)PWM Configuration 5)PWM Enable
First set the system clock In our case at 40MHz Then the PWM clock In our case 1/64 the system clock, 625KHz Clock Configuration
First enable the PWM module you would like to use. Then enable the port you would like to use for output. Peripheral Enable
Setup the pins for PWM Use default configuration Use PD0 for output Use PWM Module 1 Use Generator 0 Pin Configuration
Calculate the period of the signal Setup the desired PWM Mode Setup the calculated period PWM Configure
Setup the initial duty cycle Tell the PWM to output to pin 0 Finally enable the Generator That’s It! PWM Enable Output
UsageInitialization Tiva C PWM Example
Tiva C PWM Workshop Tiva C User Guide 2014 PWM Team Presentation References