Chapter 6 – Grammar Information The Future Tense
Learning Target Recognize how future tense is shown in Latin words (for 1 st and 2 nd conjugations)
Future Tense How do we tell something is going to happen in the future in English? What ‘helping words’ do we use?
Future Tense in Latin In Latin, we do not use helping words, but we use an added syllable (can we think of it as a helping syllable – or maybe a tense sign?) to show future tense. We add –bi- to the stem of the word and before the personal word ending. Think of this as standing for the helping words will or shall. Exceptions : 1 st person singular - drop off the ‘i’ and just uses –bo. 3 rd person plural – the ‘i’ becomes a ‘u’, so it will be –bunt.
Future Endings - bo-bimus -bis-bitis -bit-bunt
Future Conjugation of ‘Carry’ PortaboPortabimus I will carryWe will carry PortabisPortabitisyou will carry PortabitPortabunt he will carrythey will carry or she or it will carry
Ticket Out the Door On a small piece of paper, write a sentence in future tense in English and then write a future tense sentence in Latin (using vocabulary words from any of the chapters we have studied so far).