WESTERN RELIGIONSEASTERN RELIGIONS Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Daoism
WESTERNEASTERN Monotheistic Afterlife Linear Thought Holy Book Ten Commandments Jerusalem Prophets Cyclical Thought Divinity Reincarnation Ultimate Goal of Existence
2000 BC Abraham moved his family to Canaan and founded Israelite nation Famine pushed Israelites to Egypt where they were enslaved Exodus: Moses led Israelites back to Canaan Saul drove out the Philistines and United Israelite tribes 1000 BC David established Israel Solomon established Israel as a powerful trading nation
922 BC Kingdom split Israel N./ Judah S. 722 BC Assyrians take Israel (forced to pay tribute) 586 BC “Babylonian Captivity” Babylonians grab Judah 538 BC Cyrus frees them
Monotheistic God made a covenant or promise with them Patriarchal Ten Commandments Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah say to “Obey God’s word” Moral Ethics “All people are equal”
Originally a Sect within Judaism Early Christians were Jews waiting for the messiah AD, Jesus of Nazareth Pontius Pilate crucified Jesus Christ
Those who believe Christ was the messiah became Christians Paul spread the word of Christ Peter established the first church in Rome (first pope) Christianity was still illegal
Bible: Old Testament (Jewish Torah), and New Testament (written after Christ) Gospels: First four books of New Testament, describe Life of Christ
313 Edict of Milan legalizes Christianity in Rome 325 Council of Nicaea organizes Christianity 391 Christianity becomes official religion of Rome 476 Rome fell, but Christianity remains intact and dominant
Define the following terms: Islam Muslim Allah Muhammad Quran Jihad Mecca Haj Alms Sunna Sharia Mosque
Use your book to look up the five pillars to Islam.
Faith Prayer Alms Fasting Pilgrimage (Haj)
Rightly Guarded Caliph Shi’a: Party of ALI: Caliph must be descendant of Muhammad Sunni: Followers of Muhammad’s example
Brahman: spiritual drive within everything Atman: your essential self Reincarnation: rebirth of a soul into another body Moksha: ultimate goal of existence Karma: all actions of a persons life that affect his or her fate in the next
Brahmin: Hindu priest Untouchable: lowest caste Dharma: religious or moral duties of an individual Ahimsa: non-violence
The Four Noble Truths Life is full of Pain and Suffering Desire is the cause of Pain and Suffering To end Suffering is to end Desire To overcome Desire is to follow the Eight- Fold Path
The Eight Fold Path Right Views Right Aspirations Right Speech Right Conduct Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Contemplation
Siddhartha Gautama is the founder They reject the Hindu Caste System Somewhere between pleasure and self-denial is the eight- fold path Nirvana is the ultimate goal
JAINISMDAOISM Emphasis on Karma Three Jewels Laozi Bruce Lee Yin Yang