August 25, 2016
Mindset 1: Everything is Possible Mindset 2: Passion First Mindset 3: We are Connected Mindset 4: 100% Accountable Mindset 5: Attitude of Gratitude Mindset 6: Live to Give Mindset 7: The Time is Now
4 th and 5 th Grade
Beginning with the school year, all 4 th and 5 th grade classrooms across Forsyth County began using the Grade PLUS system of reporting. This reporting system uses both standards-based scores of 1-4 and traditional percentage grades.
The learning expectations and standards for performance have been outlined for each quarter based on the Georgia Standards of Excellence for ELA and Math, and Georgia Performance Standards for all other subjects. Teachers will use two types of classroom assessments, formative and summative.
Daily, ongoing assessments/observations that are used to monitor student progress toward mastery of standards. Formative assessments will receive a standards- based score as outlined in the rubric. Formative scores will not be posted in Parent Portal. These scores will be communicated to parents in the weekly work folder sent home by the teacher. A score of 3 indicates the student has met expectations for that standard. Key to Formative Based Achievement 1 –Below standard, needs frequent teacher support, reteaching, and additional practice 2 –Performance is approaching standard, and student applies learned skills with some teacher support. 3 –Meets standard, produces quality work with little to no teacher support 4 –Exceeds standard, consistently produces outstanding work independently
Cumulative assessments will receive a traditional numeric grade and will be used to measure student mastery of standards. Summative grades will be posted in Parent Portal and the average will serve as the report card grade. KEY TO SUMMATIVE BASED ACHIEVEMENT F <70% C 70-79% B 80-89% A %
Students will be allowed ONE retest for each ELA and Math assessments. Students eligible for a retest must participate in re-teaching and re-learning sessions and/or assignments as determined by the teacher. Students will receive the higher of the two grades. The purpose of allowing a retest is to ensure mastery of standards.
Student work habits will be reported using the following categories: Responsibility, Participation, Assignment Completion, and Interpersonal Skill s In each of the above categories, students will receive one of the following scores: Needs Improvement (N), Successful (S), or Exemplary (E). {Successful (S) is the expectation of students}
The Grade Plus report cards will have both a traditional numeric grade for subjects and standards based scores for each of the domains from the rubrics. This system of grading will only be used in English/Language Arts and Math. Science and Social Studies will receive traditional numeric grades with no standards based scores.
Updated Parent Grading and Reporting information located on FCS website Quarterly Report Card Details, provided each nine weeks outlining standards by quarter to assist with monitoring student progress Frequent formative assessments with teacher feedback for parent review Summative test scores posted in Parent Portal
Students understand learning expectations/standards Teachers provide differentiated instruction to meet their needs Students self-evaluate progress and set goals for learning Teachers provide timely, descriptive feedback
Homework Nightly: written in agenda Absences: send an or a note to Laurie Tuttle with child’s first and last name Transportation: MUST have note from parent ( s not accepted) Reminder no birthday celebrations at school; no outside food items can be brought in to be shared.
Meeting individual needs Meeting/Exceeding all standards and benchmarks determined by state of Georgia and Forsyth County Prepare for middle school Enjoy last year of elementary school!
Set up a parent account Inclement Weather days Student assignments and Instructional resources posted on itsLearningitsLearning
One behavior sheet handed out every 9 weeks Signed by parents on a weekly basis (by Monday) Provides communication between school and home Quarterly grade given for work habits – behavior sheet used to determine work habits section on report card Signed by teachers (as needed) for: missing assignments, late work, not prepared for class, redirected behaviors, etc…) Also used as a positive reflection using the 7 Mindsets.
Sent home as needed Please sign summative tests ONLY (grades with percentage scores) You may keep all formative grades (1,2,3,4) Sign and return papers on "return to school" side of folder
Students are required to read for 20 minutes every day Students should spend no more than 50 minutes on homework each night. Please stop your child after one hour, even if s/he did not finish. Math practice needs to be reinforced nightly (expect no more than 30 minutes most nights). Homework should be written in the agenda by your child! It is posted in class and time is given to write down assignments.
Implementation of school-wide student led-conferences Students will set goals and prepare for the conference. Students will facilitate the conference. Builds a bond between student – teacher and parent
inclusion of constructed-response items in ELA and mathematics, in addition to selected-response items –inclusion of a writing component (in response to text) at every grade level and course within the ELA assessment; –transition to online administration over time, with online administration considered the primary mode of administration and paper-pencil back-up until transition is completed.
red: concepts green: skills blue extension Student Video link
Writing Workshop & Grammar Types of Writing (Narrative/Informational/Opinion) Mini-lessons weekly Application of writing is integrated into content areas. Grammar lessons weekly.
Mini-lessons weekly Student owned learning paths Differentiated Reading Groups
History (Civil War to the present) Within this time period, your children will discover › Geography › Economics › Civics Incorporate nonfiction reading strategies into daily lessons Social Studies Weekly
3 major areas of study: *LIFE SCIENCE (cells, microorganisms, classification, genetics) *EARTH SCIENCE (constructive and destructive processes that change the earth) *PHYSICAL SCIENCE (matter, mass, electricity, magnetism) Health will be integrated into Science units throughout the year
Math Series: EnVision 2.0 Student owned learning paths Basic Algebra, Data Analysis, Fractions, Decimals, Geometry, And Problem Solving Homework nightly practicing skills learned in class. Don’t be afraid to check their work and have them correct errors. App: BouncePages (scan EnVision homework pages only) Android and Apple
4-H (through the University of Georgia) Career portfolio hosted through 4-H Class T-Shirts Spelling Bee Oratorical Contest *2 nd Semester* Young Georgia Author Competition Field Trip Geography Bee 5th Grade Day (last day of school) Walk Through The Halls 5 th Grade Yearbook Ads
We cannot thank our PTA for all of it's hard work and dedication to making Shiloh Point a better place. If you have not yet joined, please do so as soon as possible as an easy way to support our school.
If your child is interested in Chorus or Percussion, please see Ms. Graves or Ms. Standridge tonight or contact them through