Training Your Child to Obey Dealing with Rebellion Training in Righteousness Aiming for the Heart
Training in righteousness is aimed at imparting good character. Training in righteousness teaches our children to: Discern and what is wise and right even in areas where we have not given them specific instructions. Do what is wise and right even when we’re not there. We instill good character in our children by encouraging them to develop good character traits and discouraging (and disciplining) them when they exhibit bad character traits.
Spanking/Consequences Teaching/Instructing Rebuking/Correcting Activity/Drilling/Practicing Modeling by Personal Example
We spent a good deal of time earlier in our series talking about the importance of spanking. Last time, we introduced the idea of parents imposing consequences on their children. Sometimes children cause problems for themselves and/or others by their carelessness, forgetfulness or foolishness. In such cases, parents may need to impose consequences on the child in order to make things right for the offended party and/or to teach the child that there is a cost for their misbehavior. The parents will need to determine what consequences are appropriate for their child given their knowledge of the situation and the age and ability of the child to carry out the consequence.
Infants – “No” (in a normal voice) accompanied by: Thumping/Flicking Switching Toddlers to Teens – Spanking (as discussed earlier) with an appropriately sized rod. Teens and Above – Consequences: i.e. grounding/loss of privileges.