Trauma Assessment Basic Trauma Course The goal of the primary assessment is to rapidly identify potentially life-threatening condition requiring immediate intervention.
Airway/Cervical Spine A- Airway-Open or patent-Cervical Spine immobilized Can they vocalize? Tongue obstructing airway Loose teeth, blood, or vomit in mouth Edema If patient already intubated when arrives: Equal rise and fall of the chest with ventilation Listening over epigastrium and then over the lung fields Specific device to confirm tube placement
Breathing Assess presence and effectiveness Spontaneous breathing Rise and fall of the chest Rate and pattern of breathing Use of accessory muscles, diaphragmatic breathing or both Skin color Bilateral breath sounds Tracheal deviation and JVD
Circulation Presence of major pulses, Presence of external hemorrhage Palpate a central pulse (carotid, femoral, or brachial in infants under one year of age) Inspect and palpate skin Capillary refill time
Disability Brief neurologic assessment to determine the degree of disability. Determine level of consciousness using the AVPU mnemonic Level of consciousness-Determine level of consciousness using the AVPU mnemonic A Alert V Verbal stimuli P Painful stimuli U Unresponsive Glasgow Coma Scale-Variations for pediatrics – Best Eye Opening – Best Verbal Response – Best Motor Response Pupillary assessment-Size, shape, equality, and reaction to light
Expose/Environment/Evidence Get Naked! Decontaminate if needed. Cover up & keep warm. Consider if clothing may be evidence and preserve it.
Consider Transfer Consider the need for transfer for following conditions: – Significant head or spinal cord injury, major chest wall trauma, open pelvic or solid organ injury, major crush injuries, traumatic amputation with potential for re-implantation, major burns, multiple long bone fractures, and Multi-system trauma.
Secondary Assessment F-Full set of Vitals, Focused adjuncts (Labs, monitors, F/C, NG), Facilitate family presence G-Give comfort-touch, talking, and pharmacologic pain management. H-History-MIVT (MOI, Injuries, VS, TX), Past medical hx, Head to toe- Inspection, palpation, Percussion, Auscultation I-Inspect Posterior, rectal tone, temp
Focused Assessment Trauma documentation Wound care Tetanus prophyx Antibiotics Prepare for transfer
Evaluation & Monitoring Continually monitor and treat: Airway patency Level of Consciousness Hemodynamic status Breath sounds and pulse oximetry Cardiac rate and rhythm Pain relief Intake and output