Policy IG Curriculum Development, Adoption, and Review …[D]esign a curriculum to carry out the instructional goals of the district. The curriculum will include a basic program that provides for intellectual growth as well as educational or work- related pursuits beyond high school. …[C]urriculum development requires the involvement of professional staff members who use the curriculum and are responsible for its implementation. The process also requires the input of concerned parents and, where appropriate, students.
Aiken County Curriculum Virtual collection of materials Created by Aiken County teachers Addresses the Standards Continual review and adjustment based on the needs of Aiken County students Evidenced-based best teaching practices
Current Status English Language Arts Math – The time line for completion of ELA and math standards is still March Social Studies Science
Assessment Work Keys Pending Award – ACT – Grades 3-8 and – Grades 3-9 and * – Grades * SC PASS for Science and Social Studies 4-8 EOC – Algebra I, English I, Biology, U. S. History and Constitution
Professional Development Formative assessment Professional Learning Communities Instructional practices Instructional content – Reading in Elementary Schools Instructional technology STEM Administrator professional development HSTW and MMGW