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1,000,000 The Prophets Babylon Moses Redemption Jeremiah Ezekiel Israelites Daniel Isaiah Justice 500, , , ,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 1,000
Prophets / Where does the word Prophet come from?
Prophets Answer / Hebrew word: nabi Return
Prophets / Readings from the Book of Isaiah are proclaimed at the Mass mainly during the liturgical season of_____
Prophets Answer / Advent Return
Prophets / What type of message did the prophets deliver before the Babylonian Exile?
Prophets Answers / Warning Return
Prophets / What type of messages did the prophets deliver to the Israelites after the Babylonian Exile?
Prophets Answer / Comfort and hope Return
Prophets / The central theme of Jeremiah’s message is for the Israelites to ____
Prophets Answer / repent and return to the Lord Return
Prophets / The truth that all human beings have innate dignity and worth as children of God is based on the biblical idea of_____
Prophets Answer / Justice
Prophets / The priest and prophet of the southern kingdom who is often plagued with doubt and fear is_____
Prophets Answer / Jeremiah Return
Prophets / The book of _____ heralds an event that will change the course of salvation: the arrival of the Word of God Made Flesh
Prophets Answer / Isaiah Return
Prophets / Ezekiel uses _____ to get his message across regarding the need for the Israelites to abandon their idolatrous ways.
Prophets Answer / Symbolic Language Return
Prophets / What is faithfulness to an obligation, duty or commitment?
Prophets Answer / Fidelity Return
Million Dollar Question What is our Confirmation date?
1,000,000 Answer / Friday, April 19 Return
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