What we are doing: We will be screening and analyzing the Documentary The Square- highlighting the 2011 Egyptian revolution that began in the center of Cairo, Egypt known as Tahrir Square You will be practicing the skill of breaking apart information into pieces and summarizing what you are interpreting You will then write a claim (thesis) answering a question to consider using evidence to support that claim These are the first steps toward getting ready for 8-10 page research paper at end of semester in May for Econ and English 12/AP Lit
Question to Consider: Question to Consider for the documentary The Square: Based on what you interpreted from the documentary, Were the Tahir Square revolutionaries successful?
Preamble-Successful Revolution? Take 3 mins to make a list of what you think would be a successful revolution vs. what makes a revolution a failure? Take 2 mins to check in with SW partner- Jedi you speak first- Empire you will be reporting out to the floor Bringing ideas out to the floor…
Cast of Characters in The Square Khalid Abdalla- British-Egyption actor-star of Kite Runner-father jailed and lives in exile due to his anti-government protests Magdy Ashour- Member of the Muslim Brotherhood- jailed and tortured by government due to his involvement Ahmed Hassan- Street revolutionary and voice of documentary Ragia Omran- Human rights lawyer fighting for people’s legal rts Ramy Essam-Unofficial singer of revolution Aida El Kashef-Filmmaker who documents the revolution
Cast of Characters-Continued Hosni Mubarak- Former President of Egypt from Mohamed Morsi- President after Mubarak was removed from office- from June 2012-July member of Muslim Brotherhood- Muslim Brotherhood- A political party in Egypt, that is made up of Islamist members- A party that pushed religious issues through government-Brotherhood was banned under Mubarak regime
Quick Review of Timeline of Events Jan. 25, Protesters take to the streets of Cairo to demonstrate against political repression and unemployment under President Hosni Mubarak. Several thousand people clash with police on Egypt’s “Day of Anger.” Jan. 30, Egypt’s military moves more aggressively to take con trol of parts of the capital-increasing questions about how much longer President Hosni Mubarak can withstand calls for his resigna tion Feb. 2, Clashes between Mubarak’s supporters and anti-gov ernment demonstrators in Tahrir Square turn violent, with three people killed and more than 600 injured.
Quick Review of Timeline of Events Feb. 11, President Hosni Mubarak resigns, handing power to the Egyptian military before fleeing Cairo. Demonstrators celebrate in Tahrir Square. Feb. 13, Egypt’s military dissolves parliament and suspends the constitution, saying it will rule for six months or until presidential and parliamentary elections are held. April 30, The Muslim Brotherhood, a popular Islamic movement long banned from politics by Hosni Mubarak, forms a political party. June 24, Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi is declared Egypt’s first freely elected president July 3, Egypt’s military, which two days earlier had issued an ultimatum that Morsi end the disruptive turmoil paralyzing the country within 48 hours, an nounces that it has removed him from office and suspended the constitution. Demonstrators celebrate in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, restoring the scene of revolu tionary chaos that ensued after Mubarak’s February 2011 ouster.
Findings and Evidence from The Square Based on what you interpreted from the documentary, This is what your Thinking Log should look like: Were the Tahir Square revolutionaries successful? (Be sure to have this written down on your log Findings and Evidence: Evidence of SuccessEvidence of Challenges/Obstacles
The Square Debrief In your assigned Cohorts you will be doing the following: Discussing the evidence you found in The Square to help you answer the essential question You will need the following roles to help manage convo: Facilitator- guides conversation Time Keeper- each person gets 2 mins to discuss their evidence Reporter- Who will report out summary of conversation to the floor for clarifications To help guide the conversation if you need it: I think the revolutionaries were successful BECAUSE (use evidence from your notes here)… I think the revolutionaries were not successful BECAUSE (use evidence from your notes here)…