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Presentation transcript:


What we are doing:  We will be screening and analyzing the Documentary The Square- highlighting the 2011 Egyptian revolution that began in the center of Cairo, Egypt known as Tahrir Square  You will be practicing the skill of breaking apart information into pieces and summarizing what you are interpreting  You will then write a claim (thesis) answering a question to consider using evidence to support that claim  These are the first steps toward getting ready for 8-10 page research paper at end of semester in May for Econ and English 12/AP Lit

Question to Consider: Question to Consider for the documentary The Square: Based on what you interpreted from the documentary,  Were the Tahir Square revolutionaries successful?

Preamble-Successful Revolution?  Take 3 mins to make a list of what you think would be a successful revolution vs. what makes a revolution a failure?  Take 2 mins to check in with SW partner- Jedi you speak first- Empire you will be reporting out to the floor  Bringing ideas out to the floor…

Cast of Characters in The Square  Khalid Abdalla- British-Egyption actor-star of Kite Runner-father jailed and lives in exile due to his anti-government protests  Magdy Ashour- Member of the Muslim Brotherhood- jailed and tortured by government due to his involvement  Ahmed Hassan- Street revolutionary and voice of documentary  Ragia Omran- Human rights lawyer fighting for people’s legal rts  Ramy Essam-Unofficial singer of revolution  Aida El Kashef-Filmmaker who documents the revolution

Cast of Characters-Continued  Hosni Mubarak- Former President of Egypt from  Mohamed Morsi- President after Mubarak was removed from office- from June 2012-July member of Muslim Brotherhood-  Muslim Brotherhood- A political party in Egypt, that is made up of Islamist members- A party that pushed religious issues through government-Brotherhood was banned under Mubarak regime

Quick Review of Timeline of Events  Jan. 25, Pro­test­ers take to the streets of Cairo to demon­strate against polit­ic­al re­pres­sion and un­em­ploy­ment un­der Pres­id­ent Hosni Mubarak. Sev­er­al thou­sand people clash with po­lice on Egypt’s “Day of An­ger.”  Jan. 30, Egypt’s mil­it­ary moves more ag­gress­ively to take con­ trol of parts of the cap­it­al-in­creas­ing ques­tions about how much longer Pres­id­ent Hosni Mubarak can with­stand calls for his resig­na­ tion  Feb. 2, Clashes between Mubarak’s sup­port­ers and anti-gov­ ern­ment demon­strat­ors in Tahrir Square turn vi­ol­ent, with three people killed and more than 600 in­jured.

Quick Review of Timeline of Events  Feb. 11, Pres­id­ent Hosni Mubarak resigns, hand­ing power to the Egyp­tian mil­it­ary be­fore flee­ing Cairo. Demon­strat­ors cel­eb­rate in Tahrir Square.  Feb. 13, Egypt’s mil­it­ary dis­solves par­lia­ment and sus­pends the con­sti­tu­tion, say­ing it will rule for six months or un­til pres­id­en­tial and par­lia­ment­ary elec­tions are held.  April 30, The Muslim Broth­er­hood, a pop­u­lar Is­lam­ic move­ment long banned from polit­ics by Hosni Mubarak, forms a polit­ic­al party.  June 24, Muslim Broth­er­hood can­did­ate Mo­hamed Mor­si is de­clared Egypt’s first freely elec­ted pres­id­ent  July 3, Egypt’s mil­it­ary, which two days earli­er had is­sued an ul­ti­mat­um that Mor­si end the dis­rupt­ive tur­moil para­lyz­ing the coun­try with­in 48 hours, an­ nounces that it has re­moved him from of­fice and sus­pen­ded the con­sti­tu­tion. Demon­strat­ors cel­eb­rate in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, restor­ing the scene of re­volu­ tion­ary chaos that en­sued after Mubarak’s Feb­ru­ary 2011 ouster.

Findings and Evidence from The Square Based on what you interpreted from the documentary, This is what your Thinking Log should look like: Were the Tahir Square revolutionaries successful? (Be sure to have this written down on your log Findings and Evidence: Evidence of SuccessEvidence of Challenges/Obstacles

The Square Debrief In your assigned Cohorts you will be doing the following:  Discussing the evidence you found in The Square to help you answer the essential question You will need the following roles to help manage convo:  Facilitator- guides conversation  Time Keeper- each person gets 2 mins to discuss their evidence  Reporter- Who will report out summary of conversation to the floor for clarifications To help guide the conversation if you need it:  I think the revolutionaries were successful BECAUSE (use evidence from your notes here)…  I think the revolutionaries were not successful BECAUSE (use evidence from your notes here)…