Chapter 9/10 Review
What is thermal expansion? When molecules in a substance move faster and further apart. Substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.
What law states that no system can reach absolute zero? Third law of thermodynamics
What temperature is the same as absolute zero on the Celsius scale? -273 Celsius
What substance has the highest specific heat capacity? Water
What is thermal energy transferred from one object to another? Heat
Which type of heat transfer is through direct contact? Conduction
The phase of matter that has very compact particles. Solids
The change of a liquid to a gas. Evaporation
What is responsible for Islands staying warmer year round than inland areas? Specific Heat Capacity (Thermal Inertia) of Water Being High so it does not change temperature easily.
What is the temperature of water at the bottom of a frozen lake? 4 degrees Celsius
At what temperature does water boil (Celsius)? 100 degrees Celsius
What is the formula for a temperature change? Q = mc (change in temp)
What are two examples of thermal expansion? Bimetallic strip, telephone wires, expansion joints in bridges
This type of heat transfer plays a role in plate tectonics. Convection
Water demonstrates what behaviors when it is heated to melt and cooled to freeze? It expands when cooled to freezing and contracts when heated to melt
Compared to an ice sculpture, does a match have more total thermal energy? No, the match has a tremendous burst of energy, but the ice sculptures size gives it a large total energy. No, the match has a tremendous burst of energy, but the ice sculptures size gives it a large total energy.
The zeroth law of thermodynamics discusses what topic? Thermal equilibrium
What is used to take the density of an object? Graduated cylinder, ruler, triple beam balance
What is the unit of mass? Gram
Something that gives off thermal energy is said to _______ that energy. emit
Why does ice float? It has a lower density
What substance(s) expand when cooled? Only water!!!
When equilibrium is established, energy will flow in which direction when you touch a piece of ice? Both into the ice and into your finger
This phase of matter is made of very free particles. Gas
Evaporation is what type of process? (Heating or cooling) A cooling process
Our planet loses heat by which method of heat transfer? Radiation
Does a spark from a sparkler burn your skin? Why? No, there is a lot of thermal energy in the spark, but compared to your body it is very small and doesn’t effect you.
If two 10 mL beakers of water were combined. One was originally 30 degrees and the other was originally 50, what would their final temperature be? 40 degrees
Materials that absorb heat really well are good: conductors
When a solid becomes a gas it is called: Sublimation
A substance that transfers heat efficiently is a good: Conductor
This is a measure of how well a substance holds heat Specific heat capacity
The total energy of all atoms and molecules in a substance? Thermal energy
What is used to measure mass? A triple beam balance