Senior Parent Information Night 1 September :00 PM
Expectations for Senior Year Senior Advisor – Ms. Kathryn Gerald Title 1 – Mrs. Cynthia Scales PTSA Membership – Ms. Kathryn Gerald
Senior Check Process
How To: Apply to College
College Selection Research colleges and decide where you want to apply. Things to consider: Location Cost (tuition, room and board, fees, etc.) Majors offered Admission requirements (GPA, ACT/SAT scores, etc.) The athletic teams and extra-curricular activities available. NC Public Universities require a minimum 2.5 GPA and SAT combined score of 800 (Reading and Math) or ACT score of 17 for admission
Researching Colleges Campus Visits Open Houses Meet with college reps at NF WSFCS College Fair, 3 October 2016 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Embassy Suites Hotel on Cherry Street Virtual Tours
Where to find information: College websites (Big Future) Books and resources in Student Services Your school counselor
Finalize your list of colleges After completing your research, make a list of colleges to which you will apply. Your final list should include 4-6 schools, all of which you would be happy to attend and where you have a strong probability of being admitted.
Complete and Submit Applications Applications Apply to NC schools online at For colleges outside of NC, use individual college applications or the common application (
One Place “To Plan, Apply, and Pay for College” Create account-user name and password Benefits to Students-Career Planning, Academic Planning, SAT/ACT Test Prep, College Applications, Scholarships and Financial Aid
The Application Essay Most colleges require one or more essays and/or a personal statement. The purpose of the essay is to help admission committees get to know you. “Show” rather than “tell” something meaningful about yourself. Read the question carefully to make sure that your essay faithfully answers the question. Do not exceed word limits.
Letters of Recommendation Most colleges require at least one letter of recommendation. Letters of recommendation can be from a teacher, counselor, employer, or club sponsor. Make sure you ask someone who can speak positively on your behalf. Be sure to ask for a recommendation at least two weeks before the deadline! The College Application
The Application Fee Most colleges require a non-refundable application fee. This fee ranges from $25 to $80 or more. The college’s website or application will tell you how to pay the fee. College Board Application Fee Waivers are available IF you use a fee waiver when you register for the SAT. Most institutions, but not all, will accept the application fee waiver.
High School Transcripts You will need to have an official copy of your high school transcript sent to each college to which you are applying. Complete a Transcript Request Card in Student Services each time you need to send a transcript. The first two transcripts are free and each additional one is $2. If you apply online using the CFNC website, transcripts may be sent electronically. However, we still encourage you to send a hard copy from Student Services.
College Application Week November 2016 (Monday-Friday) Tuesday, 15 November– NFHS Day Opportunity for seniors to apply to NC colleges online using Application fees waived for students receiving free/reduced price lunch Local college admission officers will volunteer to work with students Seniors will sign up to participate and must have a CFNC account
Helpful Websites College Board (SAT) ACT NC private colleges Community NC public College Foundation of College Fastweb Financial Winston-Salem
SAT/ACT Testing
SAT/ACT Scores If you apply to a 4-year college you will need to submit your SAT or ACT scores unless applying to a test-optional institution. See a list of test- optional schools at If you plan to take either test before applying this fall, register as soon as possible. On your SAT/ACT registration, be sure to specify which colleges you want to receive your scores.
SAT/ACT Fee Waivers Students who meet the family income guidelines from College Board (SAT) and/or ACT may receive fee waivers. Students are limited to 2 waivers during their Junior and Senior years. A letter verifying free/reduced priced meals is required for receipt of an SAT and/or ACT fee waiver. Students who receive an SAT fee waiver also qualify to receive 4 College Application Fee Waivers and 4 additional score reports.
NCAA Eligibility Center Registration required for all student- athletes who plan to participate in varsity sports at the collegiate level (D I and II) Register online at Registration fee is $60; Fee Waiver available if one was used for the SAT or ACT (See your counselor)
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Types of Aid Grants Scholarships Loans Work Study
Resources College/University Financial Aid Office (first and BEST source of merit aid) FAFSA; CSS Profile Winston-Salem Foundation (begin application in January) North Forsyth HS Scholarship Bulletins Online Sources
WSFCS Scholarship/Financial Aid Nights The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools system will host scholarship/financial aid presentations on 6 and 27 October They will be held at 6:00 p.m. at the school system’s education building at 4801 Bethania Station Road.
FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student Aid Apply online at Obtain a paper application by REQUEST Apply on or after 1 October 2016 using 2015 tax info IRS Data Retrieval Tool used to populate FAFSA financial info fields using 2015 tax return Earlier completion date does not mean early notification!!! What do you need? Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID and password– GET NOW! One for student and one for parent.
FAFSA DAY! Saturday, 29 October 2016 Check for locations and
CSS PROFILE Additional financial aid form required by some colleges and scholarship programs Institutional evaluation of finances to determine eligibility for aid MUST be completed online at $25 for initial application and program report; $16 for additional reports. First-gen, low-income can receive waiver for application and up to eight application/program reports. Apply beginning October 1 st In NC, applies to Davidson, Duke, Elon, UNC-CH and WFU; Brooks and Jagannathan Scholarships
North Forsyth High Scholarship Process Advertisement – Scholarship Bulletins service to students and parents Paper copies kept in Student Services Posted on school website Applications Paper or Online Paper applications can be picked up in Student Services For competitive scholarships, see Ms. Mickey/Ms. Cunningham to apply. Nominees are chosen by the Scholarship Committee.
Scholarships continued Responsibility KNOW the requirements for each scholarship Application form; letters of recommendation; essay; resume Complete by the application deadline Received date vs. Postmark date Sign the application, have parent sign if required It’s YOUR (the student’s!) responsibility to complete Transcripts Applications sent by school – Ms. Mickey/Ms. Cunningham will request Students request all others No cost for transcripts used for scholarships
Helpful Resources website-Paying for College tab and then Tools and then Net Calculator NC Financial Aid Estimator-explore state and federal options to help with college cost; estimate grants and scholarships awards; calculate federal loan eligibility All colleges are required to have a net price calculator on their web sites FAFSA 4caster (use to estimate federal aid eligibility)
Questions? Mrs. Horton Ms. Mickey Ms. Graves Ms. Withers Mr. Glenn Ms. Cunningham (College Office Phone # (336) Office Fax # (336) Power Point will be ed to all senior students and parents.