Responsive Instruction at Algonkian Elementary October 1, 2013
What is Responsive Instruction (RI)? Responsive Instruction at Algonkian Includes: Universal Screening Instructional Intensity based on Student Needs High-Quality, Research-Based Instruction in the General Education Setting Ongoing Student Assessment
Universal Screening Universal Screening is an assessment that identifies which students may be below, on, or above grade level. Universal Screening in combination with the DRA 2, PALS, and classroom data is used to identify students that are in need of additional academic support. Universal Screening is completed three times a year, Fall, Winter, and Spring Algonkian’s Universal Screening for Reading includes a test of oral reading fluency. Although Universal Screening provides useful data, it does not specifically identify all of a student’s strengths and weaknesses. However, it can be used to measure a student’s year long progress.
Tiered Instruction Tier 1: General Education Classroom Tier 2: A breakout small group session that focuses on the needs of the group. Lessons are between minutes. Tier 3: Individual Instruction given to the students that require the most intensive support which is provided by a trained individual. Instruction is based on each individual student’s needs. This occurs in three tiers:
High-Quality, Research-Based Instruction Tier 1 New to Algonkian for the School Year, all students in 3 rd -5 th grade are receiving instruction using the Reading Workshop model. Students in 1 st and 2 nd grade are receiving instruction in the classroom following the county wide Pathway’s model. Tier 2 Students in 3 rd -5 th grade are pulled into small groups of 4 or less and instructed using the guided reading model. Leveled books are used to teach vocabulary and reading strategies. Tier 3 Individualized instruction is given based on the exact needs of the student.
Ongoing Student Assessment Tier 1 All students participate in Universal Screening. Tier 2 32 Oral Reading Fluency assessments will be given throughout the school year to each student receiving some form of intervention. Tier 3 Twice weekly oral Reading Fluency Probes will be given throughout the school year. Student Data is provided for parents at the end of each quarter, but progress can be provided at request.
RI Highlights All Students are receiving appropriate instructional intensity based on their identified needs. Data is collected weekly and reviewed frequently. Ongoing staff development is occurring to provide students with quality instruction. Data is sent home quarterly, or at parent request.