Muscle Deficits Persist After Unilateral Knee Replacement and Have Implications for Rehabilitation by Anu Valtonen, Tapani Pöyhönen, Ari Heinonen, and Sarianna Sipilä ptjournal Volume 89(10): September 30, 2009 American Physical Therapy Association
Physical Characteristics of Participants. Anu Valtonen et al. PHYS THER 2009;89: American Physical Therapy Association
Cross-sectional computed tomography scans obtained from the midthighs of a 70-year-old woman who had undergone total unilateral knee replacement 9 months earlier. Anu Valtonen et al. PHYS THER 2009;89: American Physical Therapy Association
Knee Extensor Torque, Power, Cross-Sectional Area, and Attenuation in Operated and Nonoperated Kneesa. Anu Valtonen et al. PHYS THER 2009;89: American Physical Therapy Association
Knee Flexor Torque and Power in Operated and Nonoperated Kneesa. Anu Valtonen et al. PHYS THER 2009;89: American Physical Therapy Association
Factors Explaining Variability in Stair-Ascending Time in People With Unilateral Knee Replacement. Anu Valtonen et al. PHYS THER 2009;89: American Physical Therapy Association
Factors Explaining Variability in Stair-Descending Time in People With Unilateral Knee Replacement. Anu Valtonen et al. PHYS THER 2009;89: American Physical Therapy Association