The ACT – some context The ACT is a small City-State, and is unusual in having both “state” and “local government” functions. We also have good links with national road safety processes through representation on national road safety committees. Road safety needs to be addressed at national, state and local levels.
Scale of the ACT The ACT is a small Territory of 2,350 sq km Australia is 7.7m sq km. Population of Canberra is 334,000 Australia is 22 million. We have about 277,000 registered vehicles and 272,000 licensed drivers.
Road Safety in the ACT The ACT has a good road hierarchy, small area and is mainly urban. ACT crash rates are very good in comparison to other parts of Australia, and indeed the world Currently 3.8 deaths/100,000 population. Our good rates do not take account of ACT motorists being killed or injured interstate.
Comparison of Fatality Rates
Road Safety in the ACT Despite our generally good safety record, crashes are still of concern in the ACT. In 2008, there were over 7,200 “on road” crashes, 400 involving injury and 14 involving a fatality. There were 76 fatalities in the 5 years Economic cost to the community is at least $220 million per annum.
ACT Road Safety Strategy The ACT Road Safety Strategy launched in April It is supported by 2-year Action Plans Action Plan for completed Action Plan for in place. ACT work links to the National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan, and is similarly based on safe system principles.
ACT Road Safety Strategy A higher level “policies and principles” document. Strategic goals: 1.Road trauma rates continue to reduce 2.Responsibility is shared with the community 3.Coordination and support arrangements are improved.
ACT Road Safety Action Plan Spells out specific activities to achieve the goals and objectives of the Strategy. Integration of the “4 Es” to address key issues Engineering Enforcement Encouragement Education.
ACT Road Safety Action Plan In line with safe system principles, includes the following Action Plan elements: Safer speeds Safer roads and roadsides Safer vehicles Safer road users and safer behaviours.
Goals and Objectives
Safer Speeds Current work in relation to Safer Speeds includes: Contribute to National Speed Management Strategy. Undertake traffic calming projects as part of the Residential Streets Improvements Program. Consult on reducing speed zones around shopping and community facilities. Complete a review of speed limits and speed limit signage on the ACT arterial road network. Monitor interstate best practice – eg variable speed limits, Intelligent Speed Adaptation.
Safer Speeds Maintain levels of police traffic speed enforcement. Continue expansion of the safety camera program develop a program for the implementation of “point to point” cameras; and undertake further road assessments and declarations to expand the ACT mobile speed camera network. Develop and implement an awareness campaign to reinforce the 50 km/h default urban speed limit.
Safer Roads and Roadsides Current work includes: Federal and ACT Black Spot Programs. Develop, and implement, “mass action” programs to address frequent crash types in the ACT Consultancy undertaken to develop methodology and recommend program for single vehicle crashes.
Safer Roads and Roadsides Apply road safety ratings to road sections in order to develop a new road safety audit and improvement program Consultancy to consider use of ARRB NetRisk model in ACT. Evaluate the benefits gained from engineering programs.
Safer Vehicles The development of vehicle standards primarily occurs at a national level. Current work includes: Engage in national reforms and implement agreed changes in ACT road transport law. Consider broader ACT involvement in ANCAP. Continue ACT vehicle inspection arrangements.
Safer Road Users & Behaviours Current work under the Action Plan includes: Develop and implement a two-year program of priority road safety awareness campaigns Media strategy report completed 2008 to inform this work Regional campaigns for Christmas 2008 and Easter 2009 Campaigns on speeding, drink driving and distraction in production Campaign on “share the road” in development. Update the Roads ACT website to form a central hub for ACT road safety information. Implement a program of road safety message signs.
Road Safety Promotions
Safer Road Users & Behaviours Review the Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Act 1977 and progress reform of drink driving offences. Develop options for improving current linkages between agencies responsible for managing liquor licensing and drink driving. Consider a more integrated approach for addressing impaired driving issues in the ACT.
Safer Road Users & Behaviours Develop an ACT Road Safety Education Strategy. Continue and enhance the Road Ready and Road Ready Plus novice driver programs. Review ACT licensing, training and testing requirements for novice motorcycle riders.
“Vision Zero” in the ACT The need for a culture change for road safety in the ACT has been identified, and the Scandinavian “Vision Zero” concept has been mooted as an aspirational goal. A Road Safety Roundtable on 14 May 2009 expressed general support for the concept. A second Roundtable on 6 October 2009 discussed what would be required to adopt such a goal. Roundtable outcomes will support the development of the next ACT Road Safety Strategy.
Next ACT Road Safety Strategy A new ACT Strategy will be required to cover the period from It is hoped that the next Strategy will be a “step up” to the next level, with a much stronger vision component – based on Vision Zero a more proactive approach – based on more robust application of safe system principles, and clearer activities to address culture change. This will align with the next National Road Safety Strategy from 2011.
Key themes for the next Strategy Community engagement and political support Obtain political support from the Government and Assembly for stronger road safety efforts. Develop and implement education and encouragement programs to explain Vision Zero and the safe system methodology to Canberrans.
Key themes for the next Strategy Safer speeds Emphasise speed management as a critical component of the safe system approach, with targeted awareness campaigns supported by strong enforcement measures.
Key themes for the next Strategy Safer roads and roadsides Increase investment to move towards a more proactive approach and implement safe system infrastructure. Consider measures to obtain additional funds for road safety investment.
Key themes for the next Strategy Safer vehicles Continue to participate in national developments to encourage best practice in adopting vehicle safety technology.
Key themes for the next Strategy Safer road users and safer behaviours Develop an educational approach to road safety for all road users – with increased investment in strategic awareness campaigns and lifelong learning measures – in an attempt to change the ACT road safety culture. Support this educational approach with effective and sustained general enforcement measures. Implement stringent controls to remove repeat and high end offenders from the road system.
Key themes for the next Strategy Support measures Continue efforts to obtain alignment with road safety stakeholders on the overall approach to road safety. Strengthen synergies between road safety and sustainability/environmental issues.
Supporting studies Current consultancies include: Mass action treatments – completed Road safety risk ratings – being finalised 40 km/h speed zones – commenced Point to point cameras – commenced Community attitude survey – contract being finalised Road safety targets – to be commenced Road Safety Education Strategy – to be commenced.
Conclusions ACT has a very good road safety record – but some of this is due to our small size and geography. We already have a structure in place to address road safety concerns, based on safe system methodology. We plan to strengthen safe system initiatives for the next ACT Road Safety Strategy, and work towards an aspirational goal based on “Vision Zero”. Road safety is still an issue for the community - there is much work still to be done!
Weblinks TAMS website – Road Safety – The ACT Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan can be downloaded from this website.
Thank you for your attention David Quinlan Manager Road Safety Roads ACT ACT Department of Territory and Municipal Services Phone: (02)