1 GSI, Darmstadt Goethe Universität Frankfurt Ph.D Committee meeting 16 th of August 2011 Grzegorz Kalicy Development and Test of a Prototype for the PANDA.


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Presentation transcript:

1 GSI, Darmstadt Goethe Universität Frankfurt Ph.D Committee meeting 16 th of August 2011 Grzegorz Kalicy Development and Test of a Prototype for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Detector at FAIR

2 “Development and Test of a Prototype for the PANDA Barrel DIRC Detector at FAIR” ● R&D of the prototype Studying different focusing options Photon detectors tests Electronics tests ● Software development for the simulation & analysis Optimizing of Prototype design Preparation for test beams Analysis ● Optical properties of the radiator bars Qualification of production processes Test prototype bars 2 Radiator bars Photon detectors and electronics Focusing optics Overview of the research activities Grzegorz Kalicy, Ph.D Committee meeting,

3 Started in September 2010 ● 2007 Summer Student program (First contact with the group. Early stage of scanning setup.) ● Radiator Quality Test: Optical properties of the bars and quality of surface finish with few Å accuracy. Taking over procedures of measurements and calculations. Determination coefficient of total internal reflection R and surface roughness σ with multiple wavelengths. ● Status of setup presented at DPG meeting in ● Münster, March Grzegorz Kalicy, Ph.D Committee meeting, Radiator Quality Test Motion-controlled scanning setup 7 Previous version of setup on small optical table (bars < 80cm)

4 ● Capability to measure longer bars, two glued bars ● and plates. ● Expand wavelength range using a UV-laser (266 nm). ● Improve flexibility, automation, and stability of ● the setup. ● Testing bars and plates from additional vendors ● (Zeiss, InSync Inc., etc). Dark Room New setup 4 Grzegorz Kalicy, Ph.D Committee meeting, Construction of the room started summer 2010, finished in May 2011

5 Prototype Preparing for 2011 Test Beams ● Prototype: New easily movable and adjustable setup. Flexible placement of the sensors. New DAQ. ● Plans: Observe Cherenkov rings in X,Y and time. Cherenkov angle resolution for different sensors. Study focusing optics (different lenses). Use different bars. 5 Grzegorz Kalicy, Ph.D Committee meeting, Particle track

6 ● DAQ: ● Debugging and testing of new readout electronics. ● Prototype simulations with DrcProp (stand alone ● package): ● Studying propagation of Cherenkov photons in different optical volumes. Predictions and setting goals for test beams. Input in to the final design of the prototype (bar, lens, and sensor placement). 6 Prototype Preparation Grzegorz Kalicy, Ph.D Committee meeting, Simulation for 30 deg track angle

7 7 Prototype Test Beam at GSI & CERN ● 5 days in June 2011 at GSI – 1.7 GeV/c pion beam, ● limited sensor coverage. ● 2 weeks in July 2011 at CERN: 1-10 GeV/c hadron ● beam. ● ● Compare data to simulation. ● Experience prototype in real life. ● Results. Grzegorz Kalicy, Ph.D Committee meeting, First look to data compared to simulation Test Beam in CERN

8 Summary & Plan for the next 6 months 8 ● Radiator Quality tests Finish new improved setup in Dark Room. Add capability to measure longer bars, two coupled bars and plates. Expand wavelength range (UV-laser). Measure bars from additional vendors. Contribute to planned NIM paper(~2012). ● Prototype Start analysis of data form Test Beams. Measure angular resolution and timing. Optimize PandaRoot reconstruction methods to reconstruct in prototype. Use lessons learned for planning next Prototype. Grzegorz Kalicy, Ph.D Committee meeting,