Interoperability and gvSIG Gabriel Carrión Rico Director of gvSIG project. Conselleria D' Infraestructures i Transport. Generalitat de la Comunitat Valenciana Jorge Piera Llodrá IVER T.I. CEN/TC 287 Madrid, Francisco José Peñarrubia Software Colaborativo Carlos Sánchez Periñán Prodevelop
What are we going to see? The project: Structure and Main Characteristics gvSIG, Standards and Interoperability Use of Standards on gvSIG Non Standards on gvSIG Conclusion
Project background: gvSIG Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte (CIT) or Dept of Infrastructures and Transport, is the maximum authority in the Generalitat Valenciana (government of the Valencian Community) for Public Works, Transport, Architecture, Ports and Coasts, and Energy. Migration project to free software solutions (2004/2008). An advanced GIS Client was missing: Let's invent it. A fast evolution: Conselleria, Generalitat --> National and international.
Development language: Java (Multiplatform). Adheres to the guidelines of the European Union - Inspire. Free license (GNU/GPL). Modular, scalable, powerful. Simple interface: user friendly. International (spanish, valencian, english, basque, gallego, french, italian, portuguese, german, czech, polish, romanian, mandarin...). Structure and main characteristics R & D & I Project
Complementing GIS – SDI world (Not only a web site) Different interesting areas have been developed under a horizontal platform: Vectorial, raster, network, analysis, 3D, Mobile,... Global aim: free technologies Global aim: Give solutions to all needs related to the geographic information management based on the integration of free technologies Structure and main characteristics
Reprojections Geoprocessing Web Services (SDI) Symbology Edition Spatial Database Topology Labelling NETWORKS3DgvSIG MOBILE WEB SERVICES PUBLISHING SEXTANTE RASTER Structure and main characteristics
Project Dimension Mail Lists: more than user subscriptors Well known countries with registered users: +50 Well known countries where gvSIG has been download: +60 Interface translated more than 15 languages Documentation in five languages. 75 sharing their work translating
GvSIG, standards and Interoperability Standards Interoperability Open Source
GvSIG, standards and Interoperability Standards Interoperability Standards: the unique way to have Interoperability Standards + Interoperability = Share Information Problem: A Standard doesn't guarantee Interoperability. It would be necessary to have a reference implementation (like Java)
GvSIG, standards and Interoperability Standards Open Source Open Source ensures compliance with standards “Share Information” - “Share the knowledge”
GvSIG, standards and Interoperability Interoperability Open Source A Standard doesn't guarantee Interoperability; but open source ensures it. SDI 100% free to ensure the Interoperability
GvSIG, standards and Interoperability Standards Interoperability Open Source
Use of Standars on gvSIG
Reading SHP ECW DXF GeoTIFF DGN (v7) TIFF MrSID DWG Supported file formats: GMLKMLPNGJPEG2000 WritingGMLKMLJPEG2000 SHP ECW DXF GeoTIFF MrSID Use of Standars on gvSIG
GvSIG can read vector and raster files standard files. GvSIG can write files that can be opened by other software.
Use of Standards on gvSIG KML files is good example. Good example of interoperate between gvSIG and other software like Google Earth. gvSIGmobile Standards allows share data with gvSIG mobile version.
Use of Standars on gvSIG
Use of Standars on gvSIG. WMS Web Map Service. It allows publish geographic raster data in a standard way. This service is a good way to share geographic information and be understood by lots of applications like gvSIG.
Use of Standars on gvSIG. WFS Web Feature Service allows publish vector data on internet in a standard format.(GML) This vector maps includes associated data for each features.
Use of Standars on gvSIG. WCS Web Coverage Service it's is less used but allows shared coverages. These published layers includes data like multi band images.
Use of Standars on gvSIG. Services Other Web Services as Catalog allow search Geodata on the net in an simple and standard way. CSW Web Feature Service – Gazetteer is available too. The easier way to find by name in layers.
Use of Standars on gvSIG. Spatial Database Allows access to Postgis, Oracle, ArcSDE and MySQL Is difficult access with closed formats. For instance arcSDE library is slower on external software than on ARCGIS
Non Standars on gvSIG. Files supported: DWG (only to 2002 version are opened), DGN Web Services supported: ArcIMS. Spatial Databases: ArcSDE, Oracle Spatial.
Standards + Interoperability + Open Source = Spatial Data Infraestructure 100% free UE should demand open standards Conclusion Standards Share Information
Standards + Interoperability + Open Source = Spatial Data Infraestructure 100% free UE should demand open standards Conclusion Standards Share Information Open Source Share the knowledge
Standards + Interoperability + Open Source = Spatial Data Infraestructure 100% free UE should demand open standards Conclusion Standards Share Information Open Source Share the knowledge Interoperability “Share”
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