Spain’s Empire in the Americas P. 36-41 Please write the following words in your notebook, making sure to leave room for the definitions Hernando Cortes.


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Presentation transcript:

Spain’s Empire in the Americas P

Please write the following words in your notebook, making sure to leave room for the definitions Hernando Cortes Conquistador New Spain Mestizo Encomienda Juan Ponce de Leon New Mexico Pope

The Spanish Claim a New Empire After Columbus first came to America many Conquistadors followed, lured by tales of vast lands filled with gold and silver After Cortez landed he heard about the wealthy Aztec empire; he marched to Tenochtitlan and marveled at the magnificent city. The Aztec leader Montezuma was convinced that Cortez was an armored-clad god and he agreed to give Cortes a share of the gold supply. However, Cortes and his men wanted more and more gold and silver and worked the natives hard; the natives rebelled against Cortes and it is believed that they stoned Montezuma, calling him a traitor

Although natives could repel Spanish people, they could not defeat the diseases the Spanish brought with them Eventually diseased had killed enough natives that Cortes was able to retake the city and the Aztec surrendered Cortes had a plan for New Spain, whose capital was called Mexico City. The Spanish continued to build their own buildings and establish their way of life

Most of the Spanish settlers were men and marriage between them and the native women was common and resulted in a large mestizo or mixed population Spanish forced native workers to labor in a system known as encomienda, in which native farmed, ranched, or mined for Spanish landlords who had received the right to their labor from Spanish authorities. In 1542 the Spanish monarchy abolished encomienda; to meet their need for labor they began to use African slaves.

Spain wanted to make sure that other Europeans wouldn’t claim land north of their empire so they began to move north For almost 5 decades the Spanish probed Florida for gold. By 1562 the lack of economic success made them abandon further exploration After the Spanish left, the French settled in Florida. French pirates, buccaneers, took interest in Spanish ships and attacked; Spain decided to take back Florida

In 1540 Francisco Vasquez de Coronado led the first Spanish expedition into what is now Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas; however the only precious metal he had was his own armor The Spaniards who followed after Coronado were looking for silver or were missionaries spreading the Roman Catholic religion New Mexico and Santa Fe est’d by Spanish priests

Catholic missionaries not only tired to impose religion on the natives, but the Spanish culture as well Spanish priests smashed or burned sacred native items Spanish made natives pay a tribute of either goods or services to them; natives were often beaten while they worked Natives who practiced their own religion or refused to pay tribute were also beaten

One Pueblo religious leader Pope was punished by Spanish priests, who interpreted his practices as witchcraft They whipped him for his practices. This only spurred Pope into rebellion and in 1680 they defeated the Spanish, drove the Spanish back into New Spain and burned churches and killed priests

Spain would never again have complete control of the Americas England defeated the Spanish Armada, ending their dominance in the Atlantic Ocean England would begin to colonize the Americas

1. Describe the relationship between the Spanish and the Natives. 2. Summarize the Spanish exploration of the Americas At least 3 sentences Give at least 2 examples for each Write answer in your notebook

An English Settlement at Jamestown p

1. Identify the obstacles facing the first English settlers in North America 2. What two factors helped Jamestown flourish? 3. How were English and Spanish patterns of conquest different? 4. Describe the economic and social inequities that triggered Bacon’s Rebellion. Please write answers in your notebook, and make sure to have the section labeled with the title above. You also need to use complete sentences when answering the questions.

Please write the following words in your notebook, making sure to leave room for the definitions John Smith Joint-stock companies Jamestown Powhatan Headright system Indentured servant Royal colony Nathaniel Bacon

Puritan New England p

Please write the following words in your notebook, making sure to leave room for the definitions Puritans John Winthrop Separatist Plymouth Colony Massachusetts Bay Colony Roger Williams Anne Hutchinson Pequot War Metacom King Philip’s War

The Puritans were church members who wanted to purify or reform the protestant Church of England because, although protestants had broken away from the Roman Catholic church, they thought it still had too much Catholic ritual and traditions Puritans felt that each person should experience God through faith and study of the bible; they saw priests as sources of information, but not as authorities to rule over them Some Puritans thought reform could be done within the church, others (Separatists) did not think that was possible and formed independent congregations. Separatists first fled to Holland to escape persecution and then to America- these are the people who we call the Pilgrims and who established Plymouth Colony in 1620

Puritans hoped to create a “holy” community in New England and so the emigrated from England John Winthrop was a Puritan who hoped to create a new, model society; a “City Upon the Hill.” Eventually other persecuted Puritans came to America 1629 J. Winthrop and associates obtained a royal charter for a joint-stock company in America; in 1630 they came to America with the charter and est’d the Massachusetts Bay Colony in Boston. It grew so large that it was incorporated with the Plymouth Colony.

Political power was more broadly spread than in England. Mass.Bay Company extended the right to vote to stockholders and adult males who belonged to the Puritan church. These “freemen” voted annually for members of a lawmaking body (General Court) which chose the Governor. Because the members of the government were members of the church, there was a close relationship with church and state. These Puritans believed they were “God’s Elect” and had a duty to carry out God’s will and laws were made against sins like drunkenness, swearing, theft, and idleness

Puritans often traveled to the new world as a family instead of individually Puritans kept a watchful eye on their neighbors and stepped in when necessary. If parents weren’t doing a “good job” neighbors would step in and place children in a more “God-fearing” home

Division soon threatened the Puritan community Roger Williams An extreme Separatist had 2 controversial views: Land should be purchased from Native Americans, otherwise settlers had no rightful claim Declared that gov’t officials had no business punishing settlers for religious beliefs; people should worship according to their own conscience. The General Court ordered him to be arrested; he fled to what would later be Rhode Island, bought land from the Native Americans and est’d Providence where church and state were separate

Anne Hutchinson Was teaching out of her home that worshipers needed neither the church nor its ministers to interpret the Bible for them Puritan leaders banished her from the colony; she went to Rhode Island and later to New Netherlands (now known as New York)

Native Americans saw the rapid expansion of the colonies as an end to their way of life For every one acre a colonist needed to farm, a Native American needed 20 to hunt Native Americans made treaties with colonists to share the land for a limited time; colonists saw the treaties as saying the land was permanently sold The Pequot nation decided to take a stand; resulted in the Pequot War; about 500 people died Many natives had to turn to the English to make a living; but also had to obey their religious laws that were very different from their own. Metacom (a Wampanoag chief who was called King Philip by the English), organized a rebellion; this was later called King Philip’s War. After a year of fighting natives surrendered or fled. Colonists had Metacom’s head on display for 20years to commemorate the event

Why was Anne Hutchinson viewed as a threat by Puritan leaders? -Write your response in your notebook. -Please write at least 2 sentences -Please give at least 2 pieces of evidence to support your answer.

Settlement of the Middle Colonies p

Please write the following words in your notebook, making sure to leave room for the definitions William Penn New Netherland Proprietor Quakers

1. Describe the daily life in New Netherland. 2. Explain the reasons for the social and religious diversity of colonial Pennsylvania. Please write answers in your notebook, and make sure to have the section labeled with the title above. You also need to use complete sentences when answering the questions.