”Name of project” PROJECT - Here provide a very brief description of the project or what it relates to (e.g. Organizing a customer/marketing event for a company) Projektikuvaus /MV
BACKGROUND Here give a brief description of the background to the project -How did the project begin? -Is it a recurrent project/has it been implemented before? -etc i 2
COMMISSIONING PARTY Describe the commissioning company/ organization -Basic company details
You could put some visual material here e.g. of the project start-up meeting, students involved (names)
POINTS OF DEPARTURE The points of departure for setting up the project
STUDENTS’ OBJECTIVES -The project’s learning objectives -The main areas of knowledge -The aims of project learning -Contact objectives/networking -etc
DEFINING THE PROBLEM Defining the ”company’s” problem e.g. - maintaining customer relationships (not enough time for this) - staff does not have enough time to plan/organise the event - new thoughts/ideas concerning the issue needed etc
AIMS OF THE COMMISSIONING PARTY The commissioning party’s objectives – define them
IMPLEMENTATION Implementation/contents of the project stage by stage -> what was done ++ Visual material of implementation!!
WHAT COULD WE HAVE DONE BETTER? - Critical self-assessment by students involved in the project -> What should have been done/taken into account better? -> What issues should be noted more carefully in similar types of projects? etc
IN WHAT WERE WE SUCCESSFUL? Were the objectives achieved? Competence in main areas of knowledge and its development? Schedules? Teamwork? Etc
ASSESSMENT -Reflect upon what has been learnt and how competence has developed – professional activity in equivalent tasks in working life -What issues should a professional pay attention to in working life tasks related to the topic -Etc
APPLICATION OF THE PROJECT AND OPPORTUNITIES TO CONTINUE -Thoughts/ideas for new opportunities to apply/continue the project -Etc