Speed-Dependent Reductions of Force Output in People With Poststroke Hemiparesis by David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz ptjournal Volume 79(10):919-930 October.


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Presentation transcript:

Speed-Dependent Reductions of Force Output in People With Poststroke Hemiparesis by David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz ptjournal Volume 79(10): October 1, 1999 Physical Therapy

Subject Characteristics. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Cycle ergometer used in this study, including the definition of the quadrant regions of the crank cycle that were used to quantify electromyographic activity. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Frequency distribution of speeds attained by subjects without hemiparesis (open bars) and subjects with hemiparesis (darkened bars). David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Averaged crank force versus crank angle at 2 different pedaling speeds (25 and 55 rpm) for a lower extremity of a representative subject without hemiparesis (A) and for the paretic lower extremity of a representative subject with hemiparesis (B). David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Net total work done during the crank cycle plotted against the 7 speed intervals. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Net negative (resistive) work done during the crank cycle plotted against the 7 speed intervals. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Percentage of inappropriately prolonged vastus medialis muscle (VM) activity (quadrant III), with the paretic lower extremity for each subject with hemiparesis plotted against the 7 speed levels. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Negative correlation of vastus medialis muscle (VM) activity during quadrant III normalized by absolute time (rather than crank angle) and the corresponding net total work done by the paretic lower extremity (LE). David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Composite figures of vastus medialis muscle (VM) activity while pedaling at different speeds. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Composite figures of rectus femoris muscle (RF) activity while pedaling at different speeds. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy

Composite figures of semimembranosus muscle (SM) activity while pedaling at different speeds. David A Brown, and Steven A Kautz PHYS THER 1999;79: Physical Therapy