2 Introduction ● Goals/deliverables: – Developed applications that will support LLRF controller work, operation and commissioning efforts as well as other (repetitive) user activities. – Applications implemented and installed in the XFEL RF systems. ● Scope: – Realization of the data processing activities, control algorithms, that requires high computation capability, and can be slower than “pulse to pulse” operations. – First stage of development for low level applications.
3 Application list 1. loop gain and phase meas/set(control) 2. detuning and loaded Q meas/set(control) 3. field measurement (ucal/calibr) 4. vector sum calibration meas/set(control) 5. system identification 6. adaptive feedforward 7. fast frequency control 8. slow frequency control 9. redundant feedforward 10.klystron linearization 11.beam based feedback 12. down converter characterization 13.momentum management 14.incident phase meas/set(control) 15. single bunch phase measurement 16. multibunch phase measurement 17.heavy load bunch 18. exception handling 19. warning and alarms generation 20.event generation 21. condition flags 22. klystron HV control and measurement 23. RF inhibit off 24.bypassing RF station 25.bypassing one cavity 26. RF gun calibration high/low/controlle r high/low high
4 Subtasks list. ● Control algorithms Adaptive feed forward Vector sum calibration Redundant feed forward Loop phase and gain estimation Automated Frequency tuning slow motor frequency tuning fast frequency tuners RF-GUN calibration Klystron linearization Detuning and loaded Q meas/set(control) ● System diagnostic application Cavity detuning and bandwidth calculation Field error calculation Beam diagnostic (multi-bunch) Cavity quench detection Klystron HV control and measurement Incident phase meas/set Warning and alarms generation Down converter characterization Klystron and HPA characterization Management algorithms Momentum management Fundamental coupler external Q control Bypassing RF station
5 Subtasks realization proposition (1/2) ● Realization environment: High level applications will be developed mainly in the MATLAB environment. Control functions, data processing tools, optimization toolboxes and other features available in Matlab can be used for the application structure development, different solution work performance evaluation (simulation in Simulink). ● Tools: ● MATLAB with toolboxes, ● C/C++ compilers, ● DOOCS tools (servers, DDD for GUI realization, standalone applications)
6 Subtask realization proposition (2/2) ● Implementation evolution: Starting from the MATLAB realization level some of the HLA will migrate to the lower level (like adaptive feedforward, loop gain and phase meas/set, detuning and loaded Q, meas/set, field measurement (ucal/calibr), vector sum calibration meas/set, klystron realization and others). Some application's will be placed in the. The final decision concerning algorithm's placement will be taken during the implementation phase of work in agreement with the experts responsible for low level application's implementation.
7 Cooperation with different WP. ● Feedback controller (some HLA's have to be extended to the controller level (for instance klystron linearization)), ● Low Level applications (first development of LLA in the HL), ● Automation (HLA's managed by the FSM, common interface design), ● DataBase (coefficient storage, tables storage).
8 Crew ● M. Sc. Wojciech Cichalewski (project leader) ● PhD. Valery Ayvazyan ● PhD. Przemyslaw Sekalski ● M.Sc. Wojciech Jalmuzna ● M. Sc. Bogusław Kosęda ● M. Sc. Waldemar Koprek ● (M. Sc. Piotr Pucyk) ● Particular subsystem expert for application preparation and verification. (about 0.2 to 0.5 year)
9 Budget and schedule
11 Introduction ● Goals / deliverables: – Developed and documented procedures for LLRF systems operations, commissioning and service. – Implemented procedures Matlab scripts (sequencer that will use the available DOOCS signals). ● Scope: – Procedures requested for commissioning of each LLRF system that will be installed in XFEL project. – Procedures for individual LLRF system operation as well as work coordination of multiple system. – Procedures for machine servicing during the operation
12 Subtask list
13 Subtasks realization proposition ● Realization: Procedures will be documented and placed in the database for future usage by operator and experts. The documentation will be created using worked out template that will be filled and verified with experts during FLASH operation and XFEL systems constructions. The description of the procedure will consist of: - prerequisits and pre-conditions, - procedure body, - machine postconditions. The set of MATLAB script will describe sequences of activities that have to be performed in order to move system from the beginning state to the expected state. Tools: ● MATLAB ● DOOCS tools (servers, DDD: GUI realization, FSM sequencers creator)
14 Cooperation ● Procedures development and than verification requires tight cooperation with the particular subsystem experts. Beside the LLRF experts also cooperation with: S. Schreiber, S. Simrock, K Honkavarra, S. Choroba, V. Katalev and others is planed. Moreover among the crew that will realized this work package, 70 % of people will have to be experienced FLASH operators. ● As far as procedures will be used by the automation as a expert knowledge the description of the procedures will be standardized.
15 Crew ● M. Sc. Wojciech Cichalewski (project leader) ● PhD. Valery Ayvazyan ● M. Sc. Bogusław Kosęda ● M. Sc. Waldemar Koprek ● M. Sc. Students x2
16 Budget and schedule