Single crystal growth of Heisenberg spin ladder and spin chain Single crystal growth of Heisenberg spin ladder and spin chain Bingying Pan, Weinan Dong,


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Presentation transcript:

Single crystal growth of Heisenberg spin ladder and spin chain Single crystal growth of Heisenberg spin ladder and spin chain Bingying Pan, Weinan Dong, Xiaochen Hong and Shiyan Li Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China Low dimensional magnets have attracted great attention because of their simplicity in theoretical models, novel quantum phenomena and relation to high temperature superconductivity. Among them, quasi-1D systems such as spin ladders and spin chains have found their realization in several materials, especially in some organic-metal compounds which can sustain good 1D dimensionality down to very low temperature. We have grown Heisenberg spin ½ antiferromagnetic spin ladder (C 5 H 12 N) 2 CuBr 4 by evaporation method and obtained (C 5 H 12 N)CuBr 3 in a similar way. We identify (C 5 H 12 N)CuBr 3 as a Heisenberg spin chain via its magnetic property and crystal structure. No antiferromagnetic transition was observed down to 1.8K. Thermal conductivity measurement down to millikelvin will be measured soon, to detect the low-energy excitations in them. Magnetic susceptibilityT-H phase diagram of (C 5 H 12 N) 2 CuBr 4 [1] Features of this system Antiferromagnetic interaction is through Cu-Br-----Br-Cu superexchange pathway Quantum disorder ground state with a gap between singlet and triplet state J leg, J rung is relatively small by two Br - exchange pathway (here, J leg =3.3K, J rung =12.9K) than by oxide ion which is of the amplitude of 10 3 K as in cuprate. Laboratory magnetic field can suppress this gap by Zeeman effect when gμ B B=∆. Two quantum critical points occurs at B c =6.96T, B s =13.85T. B c : Quantum disordered state to Lutting liquid state; B s :Luttinger liquid state to fully polarized state Magnon BEC state regime between B c and B s below 110 mK Spin ½ HAFM ladder (C 5 H 12 N) 2 CuBr 4 Spin ½ AFM chain (C 5 H 12 N)CuBr 3 (a) (b) Crystal Structure of (C 5 H 12 N)CuBr 3. (a) And (b) are planes parallel and perpendicular to the chains. The exchange coupling on the chain is through the Cu-Br-Cu pathway. Magnetic susceptibility of powder (C 5 H 12 N)CuBr 3, Booner-Fisher fit (solid line) gives J/k B =17.51K Spinons in quasi-1D spin ½ AFM systems Low dimensional spin structure a spin chain a two-leg spin ladder a two dimensional square lattice summeryReferences Heisenberg two-leg spin ladder (C 5 H 12 N) 2 CuBr 4 single crystals were synthesized. (C 5 H 12 N)CuBr 3 single crystals were synthesized, after measuring its susceptibility and resolving its structure, we identify it to be an antiferromagnetic spin chain. The low-energy excitations of a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin chain as well as the field- induced Luttinger liquid state of an antiferromagnetic spin ladder are spinons, we hope to detect these excitations by thermal conductivity down to millikelvin. As for other fermions, spinons would contribute a linear term to thermal conductivity. The exotic magnon condensate and quantum critical points in (C 5 H 12 N) 2 CuBr 4 are also interested, we will see how they affect the thermal conductivity. Comparison of susceptibility along three different directions and powder sample, the upturn of the H//x data (blue triangle) should be due to the free spins induced by a small fraction of the sample solving in the glue during measurement. J J leg J rung [1] Ch. Ruegg et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, (2008) [2] B. Thielemann et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, (2009) [3] D. C. Dender et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1750 (1997) [4] B. R. Patyal et al, Phys. Rev. B 41, 1657 (1990) J J (a)(b) Detection of low-energy excitations in field-induce Luttinger liquid state of (C 5 H 12 N) 2 CuBr 4 by (a) inelastic neutron scattering [2] and (b) specific heat measurement [1]. Note the comparison of experiment and theory of spinon continuum in (a) and linear relation of specific heat and temperature in the Luttinger liquid state regime in (b). Specific heat measurement of Cu benzoate [3], it is a good 1D spin ½ AFM chain material down to very low temperature when H=0T with spinon excitations, the linear relation of magnetic specific heat to temperature is a feature of spinons.