Do Now Watch this brief clip. What do we learn about the character? How does the way he is shot affect that? How does what he is wearing affect that? How does the use of music affect that?
Aims: 1-to identify the Technical Aspects in moving image media. 2- to begin to understand how technical codes make audience meaning.
Task 1 Task: Brainstorm as many filmmaking terms as you can think of with your partner. The 4 main technical aspects are: Cinematography Sound Editing Mise-en-scene Feedback.
The ‘Purpose of filmmaking’ Virtually every decision in the moving image making process is made with the audience in mind. Filmmaking is done in departments…can you name some? Cinematography Design Post production – editing etc. Sound Pre- production – scriptwriting, casting etc.
Production departments. Each department works in collaboration with one person…who? …the director. Task: How many TV production jobs can you name?
Nothing is done by accident… If you were to watch a clip from a film or TV programme and asked why did the director decide on that shot you probably wouldn’t definitely know the answer unless you’d spoken to the director and asked them personally. So we as Media students have to deduce what we think was implied by a particular shot, angle, choice of music, sound effect, costume design or editing decision. Remember nothing has been done by accident every technical and creative decision has a purpose.
Audience Meaning All of these individuals jobs within various departments collaborating with the director come together to make a TV programme that an audience will hopefully understand. The Moving image media has a ‘grammar’ of its own working in much the same way as English language grammar. Just as commas, apostrophes and full stops help us understand the written word, shots, fades, cuts and angles work to create film meaning for the audience.
Making meaning Making meaning is a phrase often repeated in media. The word media does in fact mean to ‘convey a message’. Task 2: You are going to make meaning and convey a message. You will be given an emotion on a post it note. In pairs use your camera phone to take a picture of the person next to you, conveying the emotion on the post it. Go around the room and see how many people can guess what the emotion is. Swap over with your partner and do the same.
Analysing audience meaning Task 3: watch a clip from a chosen TV programme. Use the worksheet to make notes on the technical aspects you can identify and then consider and make notes on the intended audience meaning. Analyse at least three technical aspects.