Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April New AESS Web Site
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April Changes since Fall 2006 BoG meeting PM Networks is no longer in business. We merged with another company 9 months ago to form a larger organization. S&P Incorporated currently represents a team of about 15 developers, designers and content manager. Of the original $15,000 that was paid to PM-Networks, $8,000 were expended in setting up the new website and the $7,000 balance was consumed due to business closure. S&P charges $45 per hour for web development. Shane & Peter Inc. Shane Pearlman S&P, Inc.
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April Changes since Fall 2006 BoG meeting Estimate the implementing the scrolling text and hit counter will take approximately 3 hours, and providing password protection for the Board of Governors section will take approximately 8 hours. Web development rate is $60 per hour and content updates are billed at $40 per hour. All pertinent information that relates to the host provider and new website ( will be necessary information we will need to upload content, and make adjustments in coding (DNS information, etc.). Chris Dyer, President Conference Catalysts LLC 1115 West Port Drive Suite D-4 Manhattan, KS USA
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April AESS website status (Modified 25-Aug-2006) If you would like to contact the IEEE AES Webmaster, to © Copyright 2006, IEEE. Terms & Conditions. Privacy & Security. & ConditionsPrivacy & Security Chapters (as listed on AESS website) 2005 Chapter Chair Listing New ! 2005 Chapter Chair Listing We are currently paying a person $140/month at GTRI to maintain the AESS website that has not been updated since 8/25/06 New website is incomplete! This domain name expires on 16 Dec 2007
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April ACTION ITEMS for AESS website 1.Assign an AESS website administrator and alternate (Responsibility/Accountability/Authority) who can select a Board member for each of the main headings and subheadings with responsibility for providing content and updates. Jim Leonard/BoG 2.Develop a website update agreement and specific procedures for the AESS website with responsibilities and an annual budget. Ron Ogan/Theo Saunders 3.Establish an officers only section to allow collaboration on ideas and topics to advance our the Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society. Selected Web Developer
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April Motion (approved by BoG on 4/20/2007) Select Conference Catalysts LLC, Manhattan, KS to complete the new website and renew the domain name at cost not to exceed $5000. AESS to provide all files for the current website, otherwise, there will be additional conversion costs. Set up a monthly website maintenance program to upload 5 monthly updates (maximum 5 pages each) with mixed format of Microsoft ® Office 2003+, text or html to be posted to the website within 5 working days of receipt. Provide website updates and corrections at a rate of $40 per hour with a “not to exceed without approval” contract value per month of $200 per month or $2400 per year (web updates are included for first year agreement). AESS Board to designate a primary(Ron Ogan) and alternate (Mike Roberts) contacts to interface with the web developer, then in 2008,this responsibility will revert to the AESS BoG VP of Adminstration.
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April NEWS - Jim Leonard (move the PLANS Conference link to the Conference tab) CONFERENCES - Barry Breen has provided excellent content for conferences and Bob O’Donnell would cover Workshops/ Tutorials AESS News New Web Site PLANS Conference Industry Newsletter 5 Year Strategic Plan Conferences Calendar Conferences Workshops
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April PUBLICATIONS - Peter Willett RESOURCES - Dr. Jim Huddle to provide speakers details, Evelyn Hirt to provide links to Editor-in Chief articles AESS Governing documents and Robert P. Lyons to provide details for the Technical Panels. Publications Transactions Systems Magazine Editors Authors ResourcesResources Technical Panels Technical Panels Speakers Governing Documents Governing Documents Opportunities
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April Chapters - Ron Ogan with International inputs from Dr. Zafar Taqvi Chapters AESS Chapters AESS Chapters Start a Chapter Start a Chapter Northeast USA Northeast USA East USA East USA Southeast USA Southeast USA Central USA Central USA Southwest USA Southwest USA West USA West USA Canada Europe & Middle East Europe & Middle East Latin America Latin America Asia & Pacific Asia & Pacific Student Branch Student Branch
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April ABOUT US (rename to ABOUT the AESS) - Theodora Saunders with History provided by Jim Leonard and Awards by Erv Gangl About Us General Board of Governors Board of Governors International Directors International Directors Standing Committees Standing Committees History Awards
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April MEMBERSHIP - Jim Howard, VP membership BOARD of GOVERNORS - Use this as the officers only access area with sign-in Ids and passwords Membership Apply Now Apply Now OptionsOptions Fees Fees OptionsFees Grade Advancement Grade Advancement Board of Gov. Strategic Planing Strategic Planing Annual Plan Annual Plan Finance Reports
Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society (AESS) 19April HIGHLIGHTS – scroll this information banner from the NEWS section and update this at least monthly! Highlights Place Event Here Place Sponsor Here Place Conference Here Place Award Here Place Notice Here