Recommended hotels B A) toulouse-wilson/index.shtml (~120 euros) toulouse-wilson/index.shtml B) (~80 e) C) (~150 euros) D) (3 hotels, ~85 euros) E) (~171 e) F) (~191 e) G) (~60 e) E F C D D D G Tube station ‘Jean Jaures’ H) (~60 e) To reach these hotels from the airport: - Take the airport/town center buses (5 euros) and stop at Jean Jaures - Take a taxi (30-35 euros max) H
To reach the laboratory from the city center and from your hotels, you have three options: - Take the tube (B line at Jean Jaures or Jeanne d’Arc) and stop at ‘Faculté de Pharmacie’ (20 minutes from city center) then walk (1 km, 10 minutes) through the campus to reach IRAP (next slide) or take the bus#68 or - Take a taxi from the city center (10 minutes, 15 euros max) Recommended hotels Stop
IRAP Tube station Fac. Pharmacie 10 minutes walk through the campus, or bus#68