Фрагмент урока (тренировка употребления фразовых глаголов come и hand) УМК для 8 класса с углубленным изучением английского языка авторов Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В. (из поурочного планирования Сальной Елены Владимировны, учителя английского языка МБОУ СОШ №1 с углубленным изучением английского языка г. Ставрополя)
Express the same in English: Заглянуть ненадолго______________________________________ Раздать что-то кому-то_____________________________________ Передать (предмет)________________________________________ Сойти, упасть, оторваться_______________________________________________ Найти (на человека), произойти_______________________________________________ Передать(опыт, знания, что-то по наследству)______________________________________________ Подхватить болезнь, слечь___________________________________________________ Наталкиваться, натыкаться______________________________________________ Сдать (работу, документ для чтения или проверки)_______________________________________________
Express the same in English: (correct yourself) Заглянуть ненадолго - come round Раздать что-то кому-то - hand out Передать (предмет) - hand over Сойти, упасть, оторваться - come off Найти (на человека), произойти - come over Передать(опыт, знания, что-то по наследству) - hand down Подхватить болезнь, слечь - come down with Наталкиваться, натыкаться - come across Сдать(работу, документ для чтения или проверки) - hand in
Use hand or come in the proper tense: Fill in hand (down, in, out, over) or come (across, down with, off, over, round) in the proper form: She has always ……………..…… her knowledge to her students. The other day while reading an English book I……………………... a word I couldn't understand. The Commander-in Chief will ………….…… his authority to the new one next week. The boys found the puppy and …………..it …… to his happy master. Mike was at home as he had…………... with a cold a few days before. The teacher would like us to ……….…… our test-paper before the bell has gone. He will …………them …… to us tomorrow. I was taking off my coat and saw that my brooch had ……………….... it. We saw her ………………..…… bread to homeless children. Jimmy has always known his father to ………………… his business to him. "What………………... you?" he asked. I explained. I was invited to……………………... after work, which I did.
Correct your choice: 1. She has always handed down her knowledge to her students. 2. The other day while reading an English book I came across a word I couldn't understand. 3. The Commander-in Chief will hand over his authority to the new one next week. 4. The boys found the puppy and handed it over to his happy master. 5. Mike was at home as he had come down with a cold a few days before. 6. The teacher would like us to hand in our test-paper before the bell has gone. 7. He will hand them out to us tomorrow. 8. I was taking off my coat and saw that my brooch had come off it. 9. We saw her handing out bread to homeless children. 10. Jimmy has always known his father to hand down his business to him. 11. " What came over you?" he asked. I explained. 12. I was invited to come across after work, which I did.