An action group for BASIC EDUCATION in India
India Literacy Rate Literacy Rate in India
Literacy Rates Worldwide
THE VICIOUS CYCLE Lack of Education Poverty Child Labor
Awareness of Rights Ability to Exercise Civic Rights Improved Access to Opportunities Economic Mobility Improve Gender Equality Overall Development Why Education?
–Child Exploitation –Child labor –Population explosion –Unsanitary conditions –Lower standard of living Lack Of Education
Can we do something… …to make a difference? Can we do something… …to make a difference? How?
“We must be the change we want to see in the world.” - M. K. Gandhi Asha established at UC Berkeley, 1991 Asha established at UC Berkeley, 1991
To catalyze socio-economic change in India through education of underprivileged children Our Mission
Asha (“Hope”) Non-profit ZERO overhead organization Run entirely by volunteers Non-political Non-religious Volunteers work closely with education projects
Asha works with NGOs in India ◊ Education projects ◊ Women’s issues, health care, environment etc. Asha members ◊ Provide financial support ◊ Actively involved in projects Asha is a Non-profit zero overhead organization Asha (“Hope”)
Over 1000 active volunteers in over 66 chapters worldwide Central NJ
CENTRAL NJ CHAPTER ‘Asha’ known and accepted in New Jersey Continued support from our patrons and well- wishers. We have committed volunteers from diverse backgrounds Immense potential in this region -looking to grow and expand
ACHIEVEMENTS Asha Global Funds Raised 2001 $1.13 M 2000 $1.04 M 1999 $0.70 M 1998 $0.55 M Over 600 projects supported since inception in 1991 Central NJ $25,000 net amount raised in 2002 Events TV/Radio/Newspaper coverage Publicity campaign targeted over 10,000 Indians in NJ/NY Very successful events Currently involved with 6 projects
EVENTS ASHA Tarang Asha CNJ’s Summer Fest Audience – 1000 people across tri-state area Surbahaar The famous music and dance group from NYC Fun filled evening composed of music and dance Raised >$20K Harbingers Of Hope ASHA CNJ’s Marathon Program Number Of Runners – 11 Types of Marathon Staten Island Half-Marathon Philadelphia Full-Marathon Asha Quiz 2003 One of the biggest Quizzing event in the NYC/NJ area An opportunity to match wits with the like-minded
YOU and Asha Sponsor events Publicize Volunteer Support a Project
better hope of further education in an Ivy League hands on work experience a reason for getting your first interview a direct hand in making a difference more awareness of ongoing activities in your India You Will Join ASHA Because…. we will give you….
Our Hearts, Their Minds, One Hope MORE of this … Less of this …