Created by BM|DESIGN|ER DMIT Business Processes Corporate Activity/Sales Personal Activity/Sales
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS Online sales Specials or deals VALUE PROPOSITION Provides an unbiased perspective to computer hardware solutions Very little markup on almost all products for individuals and businesses Able to provide personalized solutions for businesses Able to provide personalized solutions for individuals CUSTOMERS Businesses wanting to implement or improve on a computer solution Individuals wanting to build or implement a computer solution inside their home Businesses or individuals wishing to purchase marked down computer related inventory KEY ACTIVITIES Provide consultation about business computer solutions Provide consultation about individual computer solutions Interest people in purchasing marked down inventory Check to see the current lowest pricing on inventory RELATIONSHIPS Professional, expert, honest advice KEY RESOURCES Access to inventory Access to analysts/experts Access to sales associates Warehouse Sales associates with previous corporate clients DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS Online purchase and shipment of stock Specific retail locations Through , telephone, meeting or fax requests COST STRUCTURE Employing Sales Staff Corporate accounts Stocking Product Employing Customer Service Staff Employee Social Media Expert Accounting Staff REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING Online sales of inventory Retail sales of inventory Computer solutions
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS Online sales Specials or deals VALUE PROPOSITION Provides an unbiased perspective to computer hardware solutions Very little markup on almost all products for individuals and businesses Able to provide personalized solutions for businesses CUSTOMERS Businesses wanting to implement or improve on a computer solution Businesses or individuals wishing to purchase marked down computer related inventory KEY ACTIVITIES Provide consultation about business computer solutions Interest people in purchasing marked down inventory Check to see the current lowest pricing on inventory RELATIONSHIPS Professional, expert, honest advice KEY RESOURCES Access to inventory Access to analysts/experts Access to sales associates Warehouse Sales associates with previous corporate clients DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS Online purchase and shipment of stock Through , telephone, meeting or fax requests COST STRUCTURE Employing Sales Staff Corporate accounts Stocking Product Employing Customer Service Staff Accounting Staff REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING Online sales of inventory Computer solutions
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS Online sales Specials or deals VALUE PROPOSITION Provides an unbiased perspective to computer hardware solutions Very little markup on almost all products for individuals and businesses Able to provide personalized solutions for individuals CUSTOMERS Individuals wanting to build or implement a computer solution inside their home Businesses or individuals wishing to purchase marked down computer related inventory KEY ACTIVITIES Provide consultation about individual computer solutions Interest people in purchasing marked down inventory Check to see the current lowest pricing on inventory RELATIONSHIPS Professional, expert, honest advice KEY RESOURCES Access to inventory Access to sales associates Warehouse DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS Online purchase and shipment of stock Specific retail locations COST STRUCTURE Employing Sales Staff Stocking Product Employing Customer Service Staff Employee Social Media Expert Accounting Staff REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING Online sales of inventory Retail sales of inventory Computer solutions