Cyberbullying Taing, David Period 4
What is it? ● It is usually when a person is bullied online on a social media ● Results have shown that 42% of kids that have computer access have been bullied online ● Suicide rates for bullied children are twice as high as the normal rate of suicide for a non- bullied kid
Pro's of Cyberbullying ● There may not be many good things that come out of bullying but there are some ● One of them is that the kids can fight their own battles instead of their parent stepping in everytime they get into a argument ● Parents can also form a bond when they talk about bullying and if the kid is getting bullied
Con's of Cyberbullying ● The victim of the bullying usually becomes more aggressive and anti-social ● Pressure from the bullies and their everyday life may push them to suicide which is most common in teens ● Some people may be afraid of things they see in daily life based on what was shown to them and or told to them
Powerpoint Presentation Refernce Notes Keys to a Good PowerPoint Presentation Business is all about selling -- a product, topic or concept. When making a business presentation, the most important thing is to know your material. If you do not know everything about what you are selling, it is not likely that the audience will be buying. Keep your audience focused and interested. Making effective business presentations takes practice, but with a few tips up your sleeve, you are ready to take on the challenge. Use Key Phrases – limit the amount of words on a slide, and try not to use more than three bullets on a slide KISS (keep it silly simple) Slide Layout is Important – title each slide and keep information toward the top Limit Punctuation and Avoid All Capital Letters – it’s like SHOUTING Avoid Fancy Fonts – choose something that is simple and easy to read, two fonts at the most and should be at least 30 pt; preferably 38 pt, no more than 48 pt Use Contrasting Colors for Text and Background – make it readable and keep the color scheme the same throughout the presentation Use Slide Designs Effectively – remember your audience Limit the amount of Slides – don’t have too many Use Photos, Charts and Graphs – it adds variety and creates interest Avoid Excessive Use of Slide Transitions and Animations – it’s a presentation not a movie, and use the same transitions throughout the presentation Make Sure Your Presentation Can Run on Any Computer – triple check to make sure your presentation will work BEFORE it’s time to present Planning is probably most important step in creating a successful presentation of any kind. Planning helps you decide on the content and the order in which the information will be presented. Whether you are using PowerPoint or any other presentation software, use the following steps as a guide in planning the presentation. What is the purpose of the presentation? Who is the audience? Arrange your slides in a logical order. The slides are NOT your presentation, they should complement what you say Graphics and sounds should be embedded into the presentation not linked Slides should be set on a timer Prepare for questions and situations that could cause stress Speak to the audience, not to the screen or any other place The Bottom Line To be a good presenter you need to be engaging with the audience and know your topic. Keep the presentation concise and include only relevant information. Use an electronic enhancement, such as PowerPoint, as an accompaniment to your presentation to reinforce your point, not as a crutch. Remember -- your slide show is not the presentation -- you are the presentation.