ECMWF/EUMETSAT NWP-SAF Satellite data assimilation Training Course Mar 2016
Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire ed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture
Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire ed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture
Welcome !
Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire ed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture
Monday 14th March Tuesday 15th March Wednesday 16th March Thursday 17th March Friday 18th March 9:30…10:45 Welcome, course overview and meet the students 9:30…10:45 The infrared spectrum - measurement, modelling and information content Tony McNally 9:30…10:45 GPS Radio Occulation: Extended applications Sean Healy 9:30…10:45 Observation errors for satellite data assimilation Niels Bormann 9:30…10:45 Satellites for environmental monitoring and forecasting Richard Engelen Break 10:45…11:15 11:15…12:30 Theoretical background (1) What do satellites measure ? Tony McNally 11:15…12:30 GPS Radio Occulation: Principles and NWP use Sean Healy 11:15…12:30 The detection and assimilation of clouds in infrared radiances Tony McNally 11:15…12:30 Background errors for satellite data assimilation Tony McNally 11:15…12:30 Systematic errors, monitoring and auto-alert systems Mohamed Dahoui Lunch 12:30 …14:00 14:00…15:15 Theoretical background (2) Data assimilation algorithms, Key elements and inputs Tony McNally 14:00…15:15 Satellite information on the ocean surface (SCAT) Giovanna De Chiara 14:00…15:15 The detection and assimilation of clouds and rain in microwave radiances Alan Geer 14:00…15:15 Satellite information on the land surface Patricia De Rosnay 14:00…15:15 Current satellite observing network and its future evolution Stephen English Break 15:15…15:45 15:45…17:00 The microwave spectrum, - measurement, modelling and information content Alan Geer 15:45…17:00 A Practical guide to IR and MW radiative transfer – using the RTTOV model and GUI James Hocking (UK Met Office) 15:45…17:00 Wind information from satellites (Atmospheric Motion Vectors) Katie Lean 15:45…17:00 1D-Var theory, simulator + practical session on background and observation errors Tony McNally 15:45…17:00 Question and answer session, course evaluation close 17:30 Cocktail Party 17:00…17:30 Practical extension period 17:00…17:30 Practical extension period 17:00…17:30 Practical extension period
Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire ed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture
Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire ed to Students - who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture
Welcome Overview of the timetable Welcome packs and computer user IDs Feedback questionnaire ed to Who are we and what do we do ? Tours depart from here and return to classroom for coffee and first lecture