WORLD SERVICE FUND APPORTIONMENT The Heart of our Presence Worldwide 1 “ And all the believers lived in a wonderful harmony,... They... pooled their resources so that each person’s need was met.” --Acts 2:44-45, The Message
We Share Across the Church 2 The World Service Fund apportionment is one of seven apportionments of The United Methodist Church. It is apportioned among the 63 annual conferences in the United States.
“The World Service Fund, defines our church. It is the way we connect together. It is the way we become powerful. Together we can do great things in the name of Jesus Christ!” ----Los Angeles Area Bishop Mary Ann Swenson Connected Together 3
We Share Across the Church 4 The World Service Fund is God’s people reaching out in love and compassion in the name of Christ. It represents a call and a challenge to each United Methodist. As The Book of Discipline 2008 states, the full payment of the World Service Fund is each congregation’s “first benevolent responsibility” (¶ 812).
The World Service Fund apportionment is the heart of our denomination-wide ministry, underwriting Christian mission and ministry around the world. It strengthens our evangelism efforts, stimulates church growth, expands Bible studies and enriches spiritual commitment. Through the World Service Fund apportionment, we help God’s children everywhere to shape the lives of tomorrow’s leaders and proclaim our Christian faith. Proclaiming Our Christian Faith 5
Through the World Service Fund, a vast variety of ministries happen—age-level programs, camps and retreats, Christian education, colleges and universities, media, ecumenical cooperation, global mission, leadership training, peace and justice, stewardship, worship and much, much more. Ministries Happen 6
The World Service Fund provides continued funding to support ongoing and new ministries: United Methodist theological education in Africa Strengthening the Black Church for the 21 st Century Faith and Order study committee, reflecting on matters of faith, doctrinal teaching, order and discipline World Service Supports New Ministries
Historically we have proclaimed our Christian faith in ministry executed across the denomination, through the work of our program agencies. Recently this tradition was inspired by the Council of Bishops’ seven vision pathways to deeper collaborative efforts with each other and through the Connectional Table. As a result, our work has been refocused into four primary areas of ministry: leadership, church growth, ministry with the poor and global health. World Service Fund embodies the Four Areas of Focus 8
The World Service Fund Apportionment, embodies Developing Christian Leaders for the church and the world by... 9 Growth, expand Bible studies and nurture Spiritual development; Enrich congregational life with resources and training; Provide leadership and coordination for denominational ministry with youth; Continue our commitment to quality education; Certify United Methodist professional Christian educators, communicators and musicians;
The World Service Fund Apportionment, embodies Renewing Congregations Strengthen evangelism, stimulate church Maintain a denominational media presence; make new communication technologies available to the church; and 10
The World Service Fund Apportionment, embodies Stamping out Poverty and Ministry with the Poor by… 11 Undergird a network of missionaries; Support specific local church work with children, youth, singles, students, persons who are mentally and physically challenged, adults and older persons; Live our commitment through ministries of peace and justice issue and efforts to build an inclusive church.
Because of Your Generosity… World Service Fund Remittance 2005– $66,194, $69,361, $72,570, $73,508,136 12
When we pay the World Service Fund 100 percent, our gifts—combined with those of other United Methodists— represent the heart, hands and hope of Jesus Christ. The Heart of Our Presence Worldwide 13
Abundant Life Through Jesus Christ 14 In a world that has embraced the “myth of scarcity” in a “culture of consumption,” God offers abundant life through Christ. By making sure your church pays its World Service Fund apportionment 100% each year, we each play a part in making sure God’s work in the world is done.
For Your Generous Support… 15 Thank you!
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