Design Review Clark Construction Company
Objectives and Needs Design and build an engaging and interactive race car obstacle course for elementary school children Safe TransportableVersatile Simple Fun Reusable Practical Appealing 1
Objectives and Needs Design and build an engaging and interactive race car obstacle course for elementary school children Safe TransportableVersatile Simple Fun Reusable Practical Appealing 1
Functional Requirements Provides course Presents obstacles or challenges Detects when obstacles are hit or challenges are not met Alerts when obstacles are hit or challenges are not met Detects completion of course Alerts player when course is completed Includes an RC Car 2
Design Requirements Running/PlayingAccommodate All AgesSet-upSafety must include use of sensor(s) must alert player of collision with obstacle successfully 90% of the time must alert player of completing obstacle successfully 90% of the time game must be able to be completed by children ages 4-12 must be able to move course 3 feet per second must be able to be set-up and cleaned-up in 10 minutes or less by at most 2 people must not be made out of hazardous materials that could cause harm to children when in contact 3
RequirementsIdeas Provides CourseOn-ground (with base)On-ground(without base)On-tableSlightly-Raised Presents Obstacles or Challenges tunnelCylinder pillarsbarricadesRampVerbal CommandsStop light Detects when obstacles are hit or challenges are not met Proximity SensorForce SensorTouch SensorAccelerometerMotion Sensor Mechanical Means Alerts when obstacles are hit or challenges are not met LED lightsSoundScreen Detects completion course RFIDMotion SensorProximity SensorTouch SensorForce SensorAccelerometer Alerts player when course is completed FlagLED lightssoundscreen 1
Alternative Designs Course ShapeFoldable RectangleFoldable CirclePieced Circle Obstacle Detection AccelerometerButtonBell ObstaclesTunnelRampCylinder PillarHuman BoundariesWallPegs Start/Finish Detection RFIDTouchProximity 3
Course Shape Foldable RectangleFoldable CirclePieced Circle easily transportable minimizes space easy shape to maneuver car on when folded, still remains in one piece Hard to build with other materials besides cardboard Need other materials (hinges) easily transportable minimizes space when folded, still remains in one piece Difficult to create shape out of other materials Difficult shape to maneuver car on Need other materials (hinges) minimizes space doesn’t require other materials to function many cumbersome pieces when taken apart Difficult shape to maneuver on 1
Obstacle Detection AccelerometerButtonBell To bulky to put on each obstacle Fits on obstacles Reliable (No false positives or negatives when prototyping) Can be oriented multiple ways Requires wiring Does not require any wires -Potential false positives from wind and car hitting other obstacles around the track 2
Obstacle Detection Demo 3
Obstacles TunnelRampPegPerson Requires a sensors Multiple orientations Presents an easy challenge to user unrealistic size Although not a gun/weapon, involves idea of injury if car hits person Simple to build Slightly challenging Shape/size adaptable Make sure final RC car can fit No sensors required Simple to build Slightly challenging Users can see car while completing obstacle Car could flip over No sensors required 1
Boundaries WallPegs stable easy to build preferred for rectangular shapes potential for preventing folding of track easily detachable Accommodates any course shape Unstable Rubber-bands would often fall off 2
Start/Finish Detection RFIDTouchProximity Not yet prototyped Reliable(no false positives or negatives recorded) only require 1 flexibility with programming and adapting to game changes Will require a battery pack Excess amount of wires Bulky 3
Start/Finish Detection Demo 1
Final Alternatives Course Shape – Folding rectangle Obstacle Detection - Button and Buzzer Obstacles – Ramps, Tunnels, Pegs (with human figures), Cylinder Pillars Boundaries – Wall Start Finish – RFID (subject to change) 2
RC Dash 2
Next Steps Continuing prototype finish line detection alternatives Prototype new RC Car Start building Rectangular track Obstacles Add working sensors