Second Regular Session of the Seventieth General Assembly Convened January 13 th Adjourned May 11 th House of Representatives –34 Democrats / 31 Republicans Senate –18 Republicans / 17 Democrats 686 Bills Introduced (468 House / 218 Senate) –288 bills postponed indefinitely –386 bills signed into law –2 bills vetoed
State Budget FY16-17 maintains 6.5% statutory reserve SB revenue transfers to Capital Construction & Highway Users Tax Fund -FY15-16 = $49.8M CC / $149.2M HUTF (full) -FY16-17 = $52.7M CC / $210.7M HUTF (full) -FY17-18 = $55.6M CC / $111.2M HUTF (½) TABOR refunds -FY14-15 refunded in 2015 = $153.7M -FY15-16 refunded in 2016 = $0 -FY16-17 refunded in 2017 = $59.3M -FY17-18 refunded in 2018 = $256.1M
Hospital Provider Fee 1. HB Colorado Healthcare Affordability & Sustainability Enterprise (PI) 1. HB Allocate Additional Available State Revenues (PI) FY16-17 Total Transfer = $155.7M -$40.0M to reduce the K12 negative factor -$49.5M to College Opportunity Fund (COF) FY17-18 Total Transfer = $135.3M -$73.8 million to K12 State Education Fund FY18-19 & = % TABOR refund obligation -30% K12 State Ed Fund & 25% Higher Ed/COF FY20-21 = % TABOR refund obligation -20% K12 State Ed Fund & 20% Higher Ed/COF
HB School Finance Act FY16-17 Total Program = $6,394,404,206 Statewide Base Per Pupil = $6, Negative Factor = $830,702,393 Supplemental Assistance from Contingency Reserve Fund for districts with significant reductions in assessed valuation
Charter School Legislation SB Measures Affecting Charter Schools (PI) SB Access to Resources for Charter Schools (PI) –Mandated equal per pupil distribution of local funding Final Compromise –Portions of SB187 & SB188 amended into HB1422 School Finance Act –Most provisions related to capital construction and streamlining charter network audits
Local Education Funding HB Debt-Free Schools Act Authorizes a school district, with voter approval, to impose an additional mill levy for the sole purpose of cash funding its technology, capital construction and facility maintenance needs without borrowing money Funds are not subject to local district 25% mill levy override cap
Student Data Privacy HB Student Data Use & Protection Defines student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Adds duties that the state and school districts must comply with to increase the transparency and security of a student’s personally identifiable information * Legislature approved bill without any ‘no’ votes
Workforce Development HB Incentives to Complete Career Development Courses $1,000 bonus for each high school student who (1) earns an industry certification tied to an in- demand job, (2) finishes a rigorous workplace training program tied to key industry needs, or (3) successfully completes a Computer Science AP course. HB CDLE Pre-apprenticeship & Apprenticeship Study Requires the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment to study the barriers to the use of pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs by Colorado businesses and make a report and recommendations based on the study.
General Election Nov. 8, 2016 Initiative #117 SUSPENDED –Allows state to retain TABOR refunds for 10 year duration from July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2026 –Specifically allocates the funding At least 35% to Education & 35% to Transportation Any remaining funds to mental health services or senior services US Senate (1) / Congress (7) CO House of Representatives –65 seats up for election / 8 no incumbent CO Senate –18 seats up for election / 9 no incumbent
2016 Interim & Future Issues Interim Committees Federal Every Student Succeeds (ESSA) Act Legislative Study Group Cost-Benefit Analysis of Legalized Marijuana in CO Ongoing Issues Funding, TABOR & Hospital Provider Fee K12 School Finance Formula Charter Schools ESSA Implementation – Assessments, Accountability, Educator Evaluation Workforce Development