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Arrive 7:45 - 8:00 Students are expected to… - Unpack backpack/put away homework -Begin morning work 8:00 Prayer and Pledge Continue morning work during announcements What parents can do to help? -Arrive to school on time -Expect your child to be responsible for their own Work and supplies.
Before 7:45 go to the cafeteria After 8:00 go to the office for a Tardy slip *Absent: Send a note explaining the reason for absence (see Handbook) *Unexcused Absence: 20 points off grades taken that day.
Life of Christ Sacraments Church calendar Mass What more can parents do? *Do family page activities at the end of each chapter. *Discuss readings and attend of the Mass on Sundays.
*Phonetic *Comprehension *Sequence *Main Idea PRACTICE 20 minutes EVERY DAY!! * Students are expected to read everyday as part of their homework. They are to read the assigned stories in their text book. Then read outside reading, such as AR books.
High Frequency words- Sight words that are not phonetic and must be memorized. ( 2 per spelling test) Spelling Words- Must be able to spell Robust Words-Understand the meaning-not to be read or spelled.
*Go to the library *Encourage Accelerated Reader *Find books on ARBookFind.com. (Tests must be taken at school) *Practice tests on BookAdventure.com *Reading together is a great way to bond with your child! Hardback books must be covered. Library day is on Thursdays.
Spelling words will follow the reading series skill of the week. Homework – Spelling Contract 2-4 activities are due at the end of the week-Test Day teaches children correlation between the amount of effort and the grade they will earn. This is the only homework I grade. Two part Spelling Test a. traditional spelling test b. sentences – children are responsible for all new and previous words Spellingcity.com
4E4E 3V3V 3V3V L
Addition & Subtraction - manipulatives - strategies for rapid accuracy - double digit Geometry and Fractions - space shapes, plane shapes, patterns - halves, fourths
Money - Skip count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s - Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters Time and Probability - minutes, hours, time to the half hour, calendar, Measurement - inches, centimeters What more can you do? Practice counting by 10’s, 5’s, 2’s. check homework every night Make flashcards for accuracy
Hold pencil correctly OK sign, drop fingers, insert pencil Form letters correctly write from top to bottom use magic c to write a, c, d, g, o, q What more can you do? -Watch and correct grip and formation. -Encourage play and/or writing with small objects to strengthen fine motor skills. -Encourage to take their time. *Ist grade receives handwriting grade every quarter
E (Excellent) V (Very Good) G (Good) L (Low Achievement) below 75 Child must have a G or above in BOTH Reading and Math to pass to 2 nd grade. Papers with checks, smiley faces, stickers, etc. are not recorded. They are practice only.
There will be homework every night except weekends. It is okay to help with homework if needed, but let your child try alone first. No homework turned in – mark in folder. Complete at recess. Graded Work RED folder with graded work will go home on Wednesday. SIGN AND DATE the folder. Only send back papers stamped SIGN AND RETURN.
1.Listen when others are talking. 2.Follow directions first time given. 3.Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 4.Work quietly and do not disturb others. 5.Show respect for school and personal property. 6.Work and play in a safe manner. Consequences 1.Verbal Warning 2.Visual Yellow 3.Visual Orange - Behavior Chart Note – 5 minute Time Out 4.Visual Red – 10 minute Time Out –note in folder & Renweb 5.Notification to administration and possible detention. Some infractions warrant immediate note in the folder or report to office. These might include disrespect to an adult or physically or emotionally hurting another person.
*Send a note if there is any unusual circumstance at home that will affect child’s focus for the day. *Send a note if the child will be picked up early. *Send a note following an absence. *Send any notes in the child’s homework folder. DO NOT WRITE IN THE FOLDER. These notes may be overlooked. Send a separate note that can be unpacked. *Do not leave a voice message that needs immediate attention. Messages may not be retrieved until after school. Parent Communication
Lunch: 10:50-11:20 Snack is at the end of the day. It is optional. Please send no more than ONE food item and a small bottle of water. We encourage HEALTHY snacks. Early dismissal Fridays – please send a large snack to be eaten at our regular lunchtime. This will also be our monthly birthday celebration day.
WeBelieveWeb.com – Religion ARBookFind.com – Find Accelerated Reader Books BookAdventure.com – Practice reading tests for AR SpellingCity.com – games to practice spelling words Helpful websites for 1 st grade…