Bell work 4-25-16 Read page 636-637 in the textbook “America: Pathways to the Present”  After reading rewrite and answer the following questions: 1.When.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell work Read page in the textbook “America: Pathways to the Present”  After reading rewrite and answer the following questions: 1.When did conflict between the Soviet Union and the U.S.A begin? 2.When did the U.S.A recognize the Soviet Union as an official country? 3.What did the Soviet government do that upset the U.S.A during WWII? 4.What did the American government do that upset the Soviets during WWII?

Answers The Soviets signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany. 4.The Allies waited until 1944 to invade Europe

Ch. 38 and 39 Quiz Once you have finished and turned in the quiz you should be working on one of the following two assignments:  Zinn Ch. 16 Reading and Questions  Six degrees of Separation Cold War

Using your Zinn reading and questions as well as the assigned readings, correctly answer the following questions: 1.What were the main causes of Cold War? 2.What were the main outcomes of the Yalta Conference? 3.What was the main outcomes of the Potsdam Conference?

Answers 1.The main causes of the Cold War were the disagreements between the United States and the Soviet Union over how to restructure Germany and other European countries 2.The main outcomes of the Yalta Conference was the formation of the United Nations 3.The main outcome of the Potsdam Conference was the Soviet Union and the United States disagreed over the development and testing of nuclear weapons.

Bell work Read pg. 654 under the heading “The Korean Conflict” After reading, rewrite and answer the following questions: 1.How did the Korean War begin? 2.Why did the start of this war alarm many Americans? 3.Why did President Truman decide to get involved with this war?

Answers 1.The Korean War began when North Korean troops streamed across the 38 th parallel 2.Many Americans assumed that the Soviet Union encouraged the North Koreans to invade South Korea 3.President Truman got involved because he did not want another World War. He cited how European nations failed to stand to Hitler at in the 1930s which only encouraged him to keep invading countries.

Cold War Rotations  Stay with your assigned group  Do not write on the Cartoon Analysis Worksheet  On a separate sheet of paper you need to: 1.What do you see? 2.What are the symbols, phrases, or captions used? 3.What is the overall message?

The Presidents (Truman and Eisenhower)  Write down the Presidents first and last name  Write down the party they belonged to  Write down the years they were in office  Write down and explain the major events that occurred while the President was in office.

Six Degrees of Separation Cold War

Finish ATSU: Superpower

Bell work  Read pg. 624 under the heading “ Soldiers and Segregation” and continue reading on pg. 625 until you get to the heading “Mexican Americans. After reading, reword and answer the following questions: 1.How were African American U.S. troops treated when they came back to the United States after WWII? 2.What percentage of White Americans believed African Americans were satisfied with the level of equality that existed in the 1940’s? 3.What was the Double V campaign? 4.What does C.O.R.E. stand for and what did they accomplish?

The Presidents (Eisenhower)