What is in the name? NZES or HFESNZ
Why change now? Increasingly over the past two decades we have noticed a significant change in the prevalence of the use of human factors over ergonomics, with the public perception clearly being that ergonomics is limited to computers and workstations. We need the title of the society to reflect what we actually do, and for the reader to interpret it correctly.
What is the current use of human factors and ergonomics? The following presentation demonstrates the use of terminology by the IEA, Universities in New Zealand and the public perception of the words. PLEASE FOLLOW THE PRESENTATION, IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE FUTURE OF THE SOCIETY.
In August 2000, the IEA Council adopted an official definition of ergonomics as shown below: The Discipline of Ergonomics Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance.
“What is the difference between Human Factors and Ergonomics? In a general sense, there is no meaningful difference between the two terms, other than in their origins and academic usages (and therefore we will use the term “human factors” to refer to both terms in the balance of this article). The term Ergonomics has its origins in Europe, whereas the term Human Factors was more commonly used in the Americas. In the early years of the development of this area, there was some separation of the two terms, mostly in the context of professional societies and journal terminology; but in the last two decades the terms have been used interchangeable and the primary professional association (HFES) has incorporated both terms in their name.” Human Factors / Ergonomics: Some Basic Concepts by Gary M. Hutter, Ph.D., P.E. Current usage of terminology
- United Kingdom INSTITUTE OF ERGONOMICS AND HUMAN FACTORS - United States of America HUMAN FACTORS & ERGONOMICS SOCIETY -Australia HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA Inc. Other Societies that use Human Factors in their name
An image search on Google on Saturday June 4, 2011, using the terms ergonomics and then Human Factors. Results Using the term ergonomics, of the first 3 pages which showed 89 images. Computer related images- 80 images Not Computer related- 9 images Using the term human factors on the first 3 pages which showed 84 images. Computer related images- 4 Not Computer relate- 80 images This provides insight into a perception of the terms ergonomics versus human factors. This supports anecdotal evidence that the public perception of ergonomics is associated with computers, while human factors has a broader application and association with wider systems issues.
First images on search for ergonomics on Google images downloaded on 4 June 2011
First images for human factors on Google images on 4 June 2011
First images for human factors/ ergonomics on Google images on 4 June 2011
The purposes of the Ergonomics Society is to: To promote the application of ergonomics knowledge. To advance ergonomics research, education and public awareness Reviewing the name to include Human Factors could be seen as enhancing these goals in the current knowledge climate. Tertiary education Massey University undertake Human Factors and Ergonomics papers. University of Auckland and Otago University undertake Human Factors papers. Aviation, Medicine – (psychology, anaesthesia and clinical safety) predominately think of human factors. Anecdotally the public perception of ergonomics is limited to computers, desks and posture. Ergonomics in NZ
In 2009 the NZES membership was asked about a change in the name of the society and the vote was to stay with New Zealand Ergonomics Society. However, some members got confused about the voting process There was no discussion at the AGM in 2009 to help those undecided and to discuss the proposal – only a vote. Vote recording from 2009
We need to use terms that the public understand. Ergonomists will be considered as doing human factors – not just MSD Large businesses are starting to understand and use the terminology Human Factors - we are in a position to provide good information on this concept. There has been a proliferation of people practicing Human Factors in the commercial sector, many with varying levels of education and expertise. Incorporating Human Factors in the Society title will mean that web searches for both Ergonomics and Human Factors will feature the society website. Having this happen provides the opportunity for attracting wider membership and potentially more use of the website. With wider exposure of the website, there is the potential to promote the professionalism of practice with the availability of information on BCNZE and our Code of Practice as advocated by the society. Why change now?
7. ENACTMENT AND AMENDMENT OF THE RULES (1)Rules may be enacted, repealed or amended by a Motion of the proposal being in the hands of the Secretary at least one month before the time of the relevant meeting and shall be advised to members in the notice calling the meeting. (2) In the case of proposals to change Rules, the text of both the existing provision and the proposed new provision must be presented clearly. (3) Such a Motion being put to that meeting will be carried by three quarters of the votes of members cast at the meeting whether in person (including teleconference) or by proxy (postal or electronic) vote. (4) Agreed amendments to the Rules are to be put in writing, signed or sealed in duplicate by at least 3 members of the Society and delivered to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies, accompanied by a statutory declaration made by a solicitor or at least one member to that effect that the said amendment(s) has been made in accordance with the Rules of the Society. NZES rules- 25 May 2007
Proposal We went through an extensive consultation process in 2009 that showed that most support was for the vote to be between New Zealand Ergonomics Society and Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of New Zealand. Rather than going through another consultation process of alternative titles that incorporate human factors somewhere in the title, let us accept the preferred title from 2009.
TIME LINE, MEETING and VOTING Extra-ordinary general meeting Please consider this to be official notification of an extraordinary General meeting to be held at 4.30pm on 26 October, at the OHSIG conference in Wellington to vote on the name change. Voting opportunities Voting will be either at the meeting in Wellington or through voting prior to the meeting if not able to attend in person. Voting papers will be circulated electronically approximately fourteen days from the date of dispatch of the August 2011 NZES newsletter, with postal copies to follow only for those without current addresses. Votes for those not attending the meeting must be received by 23 October All those voting must be current financial members, one vote per person. Name and address must be stated on the completed voting paper.