David and Goliath Retold by: Evelyn A. Ganza Long ago, God send his Prophet Samuel to find the future king of the Israelites… “Samuel go to Jesses house.


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Presentation transcript:

David and Goliath Retold by: Evelyn A. Ganza

Long ago, God send his Prophet Samuel to find the future king of the Israelites… “Samuel go to Jesses house in Bethlehem. There you will find the new king of all the Israel”

“Good Morning Samuel what can I do for you” “Jesse im looking for the next king of Israel because God told me that ill find him here”

“Sons! Come here we have a visitor. tell David don’t come here and stay watching the sheeps” “Jesse why did you make your boy stay watching the sheeps?” “Because he is small and still a teenager”

“Ok Jesse im going to leave now thank you for your time” “Ok Samuel thank you for visiting” God told Samuel “Samuel you must look in the inside not on the outside”

“What is your name son?” “I am David” “David, God has told me that you will be the next King of Israel”

“God is my friend! he always let me save my sheeps” “I know and one day I hope you saves us all. Good bye David!” “Goodbye! and God bless!”

“David come here and join with me as I bless your brothers for battle”

“Father you must bless me too I’m brave and I can fight, I want to fight for the people of Israel too” “No David not now.”

“Father is right David you must stay here with father and watch the sheeps” “David your too small to join us in the battle”

“All right. I’ll stay here but someday I’ll go to fight for the people here” “Good bye everyone take care and God Bless you all”

Now the two great armies Israelites and the Philistines met for war in the middle of the Valley King Saul led the armies of the Israelites

But the Enemy, the Philistine have a giant in their side.

“I am Goliath! You are all nothing but King Saul servants! Even if all of you fight me together You can’t beat me!”

“I dare you to choose just one man to fight me! If I lose to that man we are going to be your servant. But if we win you all will be our servant!”

Every morning and evening for 40 days, Goliath march in the center of the valley and gave his great battle cry.

A Bear suddenly appeared at the farm and going to attack the sheeps But David saw it and stop the bear.

David defeated the bear and his father saw it

“David that was great!” “Thanks father I told you that I can help people in fighting”

“I already told you David the time will come for that, now then bring this food to your brothers I know that they are hungry” “Ok father take care of the sheeps”

“Good bye David” “Goodbye father see you later”

Early in the morning David left the flock in the care of his father, loaded up and set out, as Jesse had directed. He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, shouting the war cry.

David left his things with the keeper of supplies, ran to the battle lines and asked his brothers how they were. As he was talking with them, Goliath stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it. Whenever the Israelites saw the man, they all fled from him in great fear.

“Brother why all of you didn’t fight the Philistines?” “Little David no one is brave enough to give lives to that giant, even if the prize is marrying the King’s Daughter”

“Why don’t you fight? And think about a solution?” “We will think of something go home now Little David” “No Brother we need someone who will fight that giant” “I’LL FIGHT THE GIANT”

“HAHAHAHA don’t make fun here Little David” “I am not making fun here big brother I am sure that God will help me to save all the people and win this battle against the Philistines”

“Go home Little David!” “ok brother if you said so but my decision is final I will fight the giant”

While David went home his brothers talks about him in the camp and the King heard what their talking about

“Heh! Little david thinks he can fight the giant eh? Hahaha” “hahaha he also said God will help him!” “Yes brother Little David thinks he’s brave hahaha”

“Who are you all talking about?” “Your Majesty!” “Bring that Man to me”

“It’s our little brother your highness” “Call him immediately”

As the king said, David came back to the camp and talk to the current King of Israel

“David are you sure you can fight the giant?” “Yes your Majesty! Ill do whatever it takes to save the Israel” “Okay David ill grant your wish. Tomorrow you will fight the Giant Goliath”

“But David your small and still too young to do that” “Nothing is impossible when God is with you your Majesty” “Okay David”

“Bring my weapons and armors and put it on David!” “Your majesty I apologize but it’s heavy. God is all the help and armor I need” “If that’s what you want then. Good luck David”

And the day has come. David and Goliath will fight at the Center of the Valley.

“A mere young child will defy the Giant Goliath?” “I maybe small and young but God is with me!”

And the fight begins against David and Goliath

David attack with the sling shot and hit Goliath head. The giant collapse and David defeated the Giant Goliath

“David Defeated the Giant Goliath!” “Little David that was great!” “Congratulations Brother David!”

As they captured Goliath The Israelites chase the Philistines away.

And that was how Little David brings down the Giant with help of God

David the Shepherd boy grew up to be a Fine King of Israel By marrying the daughter of King Saul

The End

Q:Who killed Goliath? a. King Saul b. Prophet Samuel c. David the Shepherd boy d. David’s Brothers


Q:Why did they wait 40 days to fight the Philistines? a.Because there is no one willing to fight the giant untilBecause there is no one willing to fight the giant until David came b. Because King Saul wants Peace c. Because David’s brother is a Philistines d. Because David is not Brave