Starter for 5! 1.What is a prophet? 2.Which word for God means he will forgive those who are truly sorry they have done wrong? 3.What is the word for believers who look for the deeper meaning in sacred texts rather than take them literally? 4.What is the name of the angel who refused to bow down to Adam? 5.According to Islam, what did God use to create Adam?
Starter for 5! 1.What is a prophet? A person who proclaims a message from God. 2.Which word for God means he will forgive those who are truly sorry they have done wrong? All-merciful 3.What is the word for believers who look for the deeper meaning in sacred texts rather than take them literally? Liberalist 4.What is the name of the angel who refused to bow down to Adam? Iblis 5.According to Islam, what did God use to create Adam? Dust of the ground
Guess our lesson topic…
The Origin of Human Life Learning Objective: To explore religious and scientific views on the origin of human life. I can explain Christian and Muslim views on the origin of humans. I can explain the Theory of Evolution as a scientific view on the origin of human life. I can evaluate whether it is possible to believe in both religious and scientific views.
Theories on the Origin of Life In groups you are going to use the information from the textbook to fill in the gaps of three sheets: Christian views on the origin of humans Muslim views on the origin of humans Scientific views on the origin of humans – Evolution When you have completed a sheet you need to come up and collect the next one. The quickest group will be awarded green/gold e- refs.
The Origin of Human Life Learning Objective: To explore religious and scientific views on the origin of human life. I can explain Christian and Muslim views on the origin of humans. I can explain the Theory of Evolution as a scientific view on the origin of human life. I can evaluate whether it is possible to believe in both religious and scientific views.
Can religion and science work together?
Can religion and science work together? Work Together Evolution (Science) Christian and Muslim Beliefs (Religion)
Can religion and science work together? Place the following statements where you think they should go on your Venn Diagram – you must be able to justify your choice. God could be guiding evolution Fundamentalist (takes sacred texts literally) Liberalist (look for deeper meaning) God created the first single celled organism There is no need for God Humans were planned and designed by God Humans evolved by chance Evolution is true but God created humans and inserted Adam Evidence through the fossil record The words in sacred texts are from God so must be literally true All humans have descended directly from Adam Science tells us how, religion tells us why God breathed life into Adam
What do you think? I can evaluate whether it is possible to believe in both religious and scientific views. In pairs you each have 30 seconds to give your opinion on this statement: ‘It is impossible to believe in both evolution and Muslim/Christian beliefs about the origin of human life.’