Blogging as an effective organizing tool Recording:


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Presentation transcript:

Blogging as an effective organizing tool Recording:

Blogging as an Effective Organizing Tool I. Why Blog? II. Golden Rules for Effective Blogging III. Types of Post IV. Blogging with Limited Time and Resources V. Richer Content: Photos and Videos VI. Blogging as part of wider new media and organizing strategy VII. Q & A 2

Before We Begin 1. How many of you have written for your state’s OFA blog? 2. How many of you have done so in the past month? 3. How many of you have done so in the past week? 3

4 Why Blog?

› 1. Communications and organizing strategy › 2. Tell the story of OFA in your state › 3. Explain how the President’s actions are helping folks in your community › 4. Foster an online community › 5. Two way communication tool › 6. Recruit and mobilize supporters 5

Golden Rules for Effective Blogging 6

› 1. Be timely › 2. Be relevant › 3. Be compelling › 4. Integrate with online and offline organizing 7

Five Different Types of Post 8

› 1. Posts that contain a call to action › 2. Posts that are promoting an event you’re organizing › 3. Posts that celebrate the work that you’ve done › 4. Posts that celebrate your volunteers › 5. Posts that tell the stories of folks in your community 9

A Call to Action 10 1.Explain the issue 1.Explain why it’s important 1.Info on how to get involved

Promote an Event You’re Organizing Follow up from an ask 2. Central Point of information 3. Video Content

Celebrate the Work that You’ve Done Tell the story of what OFA is doing 2. Mix of content -Photos -Quotes

Celebrate Your Volunteers Publicly thanking your volunteers 2. Talk about different types of volunteering 3. Making it easier for people to be involved

Tell the Stories of Folks in Your Community Using a personal story to explain complex policy 2. Rich mix of content -Photos -Quotes

Blogging with Limited Time and Resources 15

Blogging with Limited Time and Resources 16 1.Talk to other staff – rich resource of volunteer stories and photos 2.Use local media coverage 3.Re-purpose content

17 1.Shows that OFA plays a role in the wider community 2.Only need a few of your own words 3.Post published letters to the editor by your own supporters Use local media coverage

18 1.Keeps your blog up to date 2.Post with an introduction 3.Edit into a blog post Re-purpose

19 Richer Content: Photos and Videos

20 1.Photos help people relate to the story you’re telling 2.Photos can be used again 3.Videos can help explain an issue Richer Content: Photos and Videos

21 Blogging as Part of Wider New Media and Organizing Strategy

– tell the story of the ask in the , from the ask, to the execution, to the aftermath 2.Integrate with social media: Twitter and Facebook – drive readership and provide unique content 3.Organizing tool – tell stories to mobilize supporters and engage voters Blogging as part of wider new media and organizing strategy

23 “A timely, relevant and compelling blog, integrated with your online and offline activities, is an essential tool to draw together old and new supporters, build a community, and grow the movement.” Conclusion

24 Questions and Answers

25 1.What barriers do you face in maintaining a regular blog? 2.What resources can we provide you to help you blog? Question