Assignment 1 (100 points) Students: Please write a code- Macro to : 1) Display your name, 2) Name of the school 3) Address of the school Run the macro and show it to the teacher. 30 points for each task and 10 points for something that you come up with on your own. Lab 2
Question: How would they calculate the average height of all students Where/which formula will they use? (Ask them to show you ) ( 30 points each) Display the name of The tallest person (10 points) Assignment # 2
Lab # 4 Assignment # 3: Test Create an excel spreadsheet with the names of 10 students in a class. Each student has 3 subjects Calculate the average for each student. (30 points) According to the average.. -if the average is greater than or equal to 90 the student gets grade A -if the average is greater than or equal to 80 and less than 90 the student gets grade B -if the average is greater than or equal to 70 and less than 80 the student gets grade C -if the average is greater than or equal to 60 and less than 70 the student gets grade D -if the average is less than 60 the student gets an F (60 points) Display the names of students with grade A. (10 points)
Optional Assignment- on creating Macros (100 points ) 1)Create a spreadsheet to calculate the average rainfall in a year for the city of San Jose. The rainfall is recorded in terms of inches. (10 points) 2)Find the average rainfall for the season (50 points) 3)Find the months with the highest and lowest rainfalls. (40 points) Show each output/result to the teacher.