Free Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Free Powerpoint Templates How Basketball Affects the Human Body by Chris Blakely
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 2 Interest - I have played basketball my whole life. -Wanted to get to know more about how the sport can help and harm the body.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Paper Driving question - What are the Positive and Negative Affects of Basketball on the Body? Thesis Statement - Playing basketball comes with many positive benefits, but it also comes with it's negatives.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Key Facts - It is a great way to exercise. - Running can do extraordinary things to the body. - Endurance is a key to playing basketball. - Playing basketball has long term benefits.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Key Facts -Can have an adverse affect on the health of your body. -Can hurt a number of different muscles groups. -Most common injury is a sprained finger.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 6 Summary Basketball has both its positive and negative effects benefits on the body, but all together is a great sport, and is fun to play. negative benefits
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 7 Product - What did I do? –- Coached a basketball team. - How? When? –- Gathering a group of guys to play basketball at the YMCA in New Bern NC. March 30 th threw April 14 th.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 8 Product
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 9 The Impact - Helped people realize all the effects of basketball on their body. - People may open up and become more social - Helps people stay in shape and become healthier.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 10 What have I learned from my Product? -That it is hard to coach a basketball team - A lot of people were not aware of the effects of basketball on their body Mentor - I did not have a mentor but I don’t think I would of needed one.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 11 Connection - As in my paper, I showed proper techniques to playing basketball as well as discussing the strains of basketball on the human body. - The product was to teach how the sport can effect the body in a number of different ways.
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 12 Successes - That I finished my paper on time. - Doing a product on something I love - That I get to present on time -Procrastinating - Making paper long enough -Completing the product on time -Finding a team to help coach Challenges
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 13 Whats next? -I would love to pursue a career that had to deal with basketball, or sports in general. -I also plan to continue to teach people about the effect of the sport. -
Free Powerpoint Templates Page 14 Work Cited H.E.A.L.T.H.M.A.N PROGRAM - Home. Web. 24 Aug "Advantages Of Playing Basketball." Timber Wolves Today. Web. 30 Mar "Basketball - Health Benefits | Better Health Channel." Home | Better Health Channel. Web. 30 Mar CopyrightCopyright - This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US Copyright Law and is restricted from further use- This presentation has been prepared under the fair use exemption of the US Copyright Law and is restricted from further use
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