PHP Development Environment Setting Marketplace(e) OS Min-Chul Jeong 최진완
2 PHP Dev Envr Setting 1. Application Security Check 1.Xss, Sql Injection 관련 처리 Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner 5 It’s a free edition -site-scripting/scanner.htm -site-scripting/scanner.htm Acunetix checks for all web vulnerabilities including SQL injection, Cross site scripting and others 2. Source 내의 DB 접속 정보에 대한 Encryption Encrypt/Decrypt Class Keydb 관리
3 PHP Dev Envr Setting 2. 기본개발 툴 소개 효율적인 개발을 위한 기본 개발 툴 1.Firefox 2.FireBug 3.ySlow 4.Eclipse PDT Debugging Tool 1.Xdebug 2.WinCacheGrind Bug Tracking Tool 1.Trac Bugzilla
4 PHP Dev Envr Setting 2. 기본개발 툴 소개 1.Firefox
5 PHP Dev Envr Setting 2. 기본개발 툴 소개 2. FireBug
6 PHP Dev Envr Setting 2. 기본개발 툴 소개 3. ySlow YSlow analyzes web page performance and tells you why performance is slow. It is integrated into the Firebug web development tool for Firefox.
7 PHP Dev Envr Setting 3. Debugging Tool 1. Xdebug The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing a lot of valuable debug information. The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following: stack traces and function traces in error messages with: stack tracesfunction traces full parameter display for user defined functionsparameter display function name, file name and line indications support for member functions memory allocation protection for infinite recursions Xdebug also provides: profiling information for PHP scripts profiling code coverage analysis capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug clientdebug your scripts interactively
8 PHP Dev Envr Setting 3. Debugging Tool 2. WinCacheGrind ect/screenshots.php?group_ id= ect/screenshots.php?group_ id= php.ini 설정 php.ini 에 아래와 같이 config 를 추가 했 습니다. zend_extension=/opt/php5/lib/php/extensi ons/no-debug-non-zts / xdebug.profiler_enable = 1 xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1 xdebug.profiler_output_dir = /tmp 간단한 설명은 아래를 보십시요.
9 PHP Dev Env Setting 4. Bug & Issue Tracking Tool 1.Trac 2.Bugzilla Benefits Improve communication Increase product quality Improve customer satisfaction Ensure accountability Increase productivity Bugzilla can adapt to multiple situations
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