Pictures From Around the World
Appearance Clothing – special occasions, colors, how it is worn… Type of Materials- bought, handmade, imported Hair Styles Physical Features – tall or short Definition of Beauty Tattoos
Belief Systems Religion Superstition – spilling salt, step on a crack…
Communication Language Tone Body Language Greetings – hand shakes, kisses…
Absence (school) das Fehlen Unexcused absence unentschuldigtes Fehlen Absent abwesend Absent from class/school in der Stunde/Schule fehlen To be absent, missing fehlen She's absent today. Sie fehlt heute. Why were you absent? Warum hast du gefehlt? After school nach der Schule Before school vor der Schule
Dates History Ancestry Heritage Established concepts of time – how is it important? Holidays
Entertainment Art Music Crafts Dance Sports Songs Storytelling Hobbies
Food Types Spices Special Occasions Preparation Taboos How People Eat Number of meals a day and times eaten Fasting
Government Type of Government Laws Values Military Titles Social Roles and Order – Do only women raise children? Are certain jobs reserved for men? Banking System How does a government spend its money?
Housing Style Materials Use of Rooms Shape Size Color Arrangement of Furniture
Information Informal – education from relatives and peers Formal – School, life experience
Jobs Technology – Scientific Knowledge and Tools Economy Ways of Making a Living
Kinds of Environments Location Climate Physical Features Human Environment Interaction
Leftovers Leftover information that doesn’t fit into one of the above categories Population Diseases
Aids orphans A cell being infected by HIV