Digital Certificates Presented by: Matt Weaver
What is a digital certificate? Trusted ID cards in electronic format that bind to a public key; ex. Drivers license, Passport Issued by Certificate Authority Currently based on X.509v3 certificate standard Valid only days as stated, between the valid from and valid to dates
Continued: Certificates Contain at least: - Subjects public key value - Subjects identification information - Validity period - Issuer identification - Digital signature of issuer
Types of Digital Certificates Personal Certificates Server Certificates Software Publisher Certificates Certificate Authority Certificates
Distribution/Revocation Steps to be distributed a certificate Key Generation, Matching Policy Info, Sending Public key and other information, Verification of information, Certificate creation, Sending certificate, finally loaded on computer Certificate Revocation Lists
Are they worth the effort? Who do we trust? Who is using the key? How secure is the computer? Is the CA an authority? How did the CA identify the certificate holder
Uses for Certificates Secure Web Communications Code Signing Secure ing Network Access Authentication
CAcert Nonprofit Volunteer Organization Free Authentication Online registration; takes time
CAcert cont:
VeriSign Leading provider for online encryption with approximately 99% of all internet users Offers 4 different certificate options Secure Site, Secure Site with EV, Secure Site Pro, Secure Site Pro with EV Secure Site cheapest at $399 for year validity