Research and Development: Best Practice Professor Mohamed El-Gomati OBE University of York, UK
What is Research and Development? “activities that are conducted with the intention of making a discovery that can either lead to the development of new products or procedures” Benefits To maintain an innovative edge in the nation’s industry To further product innovation and push boundaries of science. Governmental R&D policy should provide incentives to invest in science and technology activities that are commercially exploitable. This is not the same as academic/university type research, where
The Society’s Needs and the National Vision Because of its relationship to industry, service sector, national laboratories – the role of government should be to actively support national R&D activities. Average GDP expenditure on R&D in developed world is >~2%. It is <0.2% in the Arab world. Although, this exact proportion is unknown in Libya today, it is safe to say that in so far as spending or a strategy is concerned – we are at an embryonic stage.
The Society’s Needs and the National Vision Does Libya need an R&D policy and strategy? Short or Long-term? Is it a priority for Libya today? Would Libya be a strong international player in this sector? No, not likely in the foreseeable future. Does it need to invest? I would say yes, there should be some activities, but this should be targeted and focussed. Does Libya have research expertise i.e. a strong base of researches and culture? No, not in numbers to sustain healthy R&D activity.
What could Libya’s vision for a national R&D strategy be? Some examples: National Laboratories Their role in facilitating and furthering R&D. There are several such labs in Libya today that may need some coordination. Science Parks around Universities Successful and vital for R&D activities. Could start with Government grants to form small scale enterprises but industry should also invest. However, Important to sort out accountability: What is R&D for? Who owns it?
Ministries of Education, Industry, Petroleum, Agriculture and Tourism Preservation of World Heritage sites in Libya? Solving problems in the petrochemical sector Could solar energy projects help in agriculture? Quality Control in Food, Drink and air pollution etc.
The Need for a Pharmaceutical Industry It does not need to be state-of-the-art, but should contribute to the National Health needs and perhaps be associated with some International players. Collaboration with regional industries. The Petroleum Industry Its needs corrosion science, chemical analysis, but also Industries based on Oil by-products, etc. Small industry for safe recycling, Mostly dangerous materials (electronics, etc.) The war(s) wreckage
However, a successful and sustainable R&D activity requires and depends on well trained technical staff. The need for Technical Colleges
Personal experience How did I start my R&D activity in the UK?
Thank you
The Scale of the Problem in Libya’s HE >10,000 Faculty (academics), staff to student ratio ~1:25 How many are really trained/qualified? This is not belittling others qualification, but rather a true assessment of the scale of the problem. The need for training to an “inquisitive mind”