Why Are Resources Being Polluted C14K2
Objectives Air Pollution Water Pollution Land Pollution Pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects “In our consideration of resources, CONSUMPTION is half of the equation – WASTE disposal is the other half.”
Air Pollution – motor, industry, power plants Air Pollution is a concentration of trace substances at a greater level than occurs in average air.
Global-Scale Air Pollution Human Action of burning fossil fuels (carbon dioxide) = Earth’s temperature to rise. Greenhouse Effect: buildup/trapped carbon dioxide in earth atmosphere Increase of 2 degrees Fahrenheit in last century. Increase in global temperature > ice caps to melt > sea levels to rise
Global Scale Ozone Damage Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) – break down Earth’s protective layer of ozone gas (absorbs dangerous ultraviolet rays). Mostly in Freon (coolant liquid in refrigerators and air conditioning)
Regional Scale Air Pollution Especially vegetation and water supply Acid Precipitation (rain, snow, fog, dust) contains high level of sulfur and nitrogen
Lake Bacalar, Mexico
Effects of Acid Rain
Large Scale Air Pollution Carbon monoxide – power plants, vehicles (reduces oxygen level in blood, impairs vision and alertness, threatens those with breathing problems Hydrocarbons – evaporation of paint solvents = photochemical smog (respiratory problems, stinging in eyes, haze over cities) Particulates – dust and smoke
Water Pollution Like air water is essential When the volume of waste discharge contaminates water Main sources : 1) water using industries 2) municipal sewage 3) agriculture Effect: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) = too much discharge means oxygen starved (life dies) Legislation: MDCs vs LDCs
Land Pollution 4 pounds of waste per person, per day in the US. Solid-Waste Disposal more than half of US waste is buried in landfills Alternatives are incineration and RECYCLING