FEMALE REPRODUCTION Living With Children Ms. M. Guzzi
Female Reproduction Vocabulary Organs holding a woman’s eggs(ovum) Produce hormones such as estrogen and progesterone Two tubes on either side of uterus leading from ovaries to the uterus. Ova(egg) is released from ovary into the fallopian tube. Ovaries (Ovary)Fallopian Tubes
Female Reproduction Vocabulary Hollow, muscular pear- shaped organ in the abdomen where the baby grows during pregnancy. Also called the womb. Opening of the uterus into the vagina. Strongest muscle in the female body. UterusCervix
Female Reproduction Vocabulary Passageway between the uterus and the outside of a female’s body. During childbirth baby follows its path. Referred to as the birth canal The female reproductive cell. Largest cell in the female body. A female baby is born with all the ova she will ever have. At puberty, ova begin to ripen. VaginaOva (Ovum)
Female Reproduction Vocabulary When an egg (ovum) is released from the ovary. Once a month, an egg leaves one of the ovaries. A general term used for all external female sex organs. OvulationVulva
Female Reproduction Vocabulary Lining of the uterus. Made up of tissue and blood. Days before ovulation, the hormone estrogen stimulates the uterus to build up this lining to prepare for pregnancy. When a sperm and an ovum(egg) unite. Fertilization typically takes place in the fallopian tubes. Once an egg is fertilized, it travels to the uterus and attaches to the wall. Endometrium Conception (Fertilization)
Ms. M. GuzziJackson Liberty High School