C LASS G UIDELINES Don’t be afraid to ask questions Be respectful of your peers No personal stories Use appropriate medical terms
C LASS O VERVIEW As you grow up, your body changes Changes in how you look and how you feel These changes is your body is a stage called puberty. Puberty starts between the ages of 10 and 17 and it lasts a few years. But it can be different for everyone. Boys start puberty later than girls
C HANGES D URING P UBERTY Body grows taller Muscles develop and chest gets broader Body may sweat more and develop an odor Your hair and skin may become more oily You may develop acne (pimples, zits) Hair will begin to grow on different parts of your body: underarms, pubic area, legs, face, and chest Voice begins to sound deeper and may “crack” when you speak Growth in penis and testicles and sperm begins to develop
P HYSICAL C HANGES Growth SpurtBody Hair
P HYSICAL C HANGES Deepening of voice and appearance of facial hair Broadening of chest and shoulders Increase in size of genitals
H YGIENE T IPS & T RICKS Establish a routine of cleansing your face morning and night with face-wash Don’t pick your zits- it will cause irritation and scarring Be patient with dealing with acne Shampoo your hair regularly and thoroughly If you have longer hair, use a conditioner to help prevent tangles and make your hair easier to brush Bathe or shower at least once daily Make sure to use soap/body wash and a scrubber to help clean sweat and dirt off your skin and protect against body odor Use deodorant daily to help prevent body odor Antiperspirant deodorant if you want to prevent underarm sweating and body odor
H YGIENE P RODUCTS Deodorants and Antiperspirants: Sprays, Sticks, Roll-on Body wash or Shower Gels Face wash Body sprays/cologne
W HAT ’ S G OING ON D OWN T HERE ?!? You will get erections due to the increase in hormones in your body Erections are when your penis gets hard & stiff Your body will begin to produce sperm This means you will also experience ejaculation Ejaculation is when sperm is released through the penis (semen) This may happen when you are asleep. It is known as a ‘wet dream’
S PERM : W HAT IS IT ? Sperm are the male’s reproductive cell just as eggs are the female’s reproductive cell Sperm is needed to fertilize the egg in order to make a baby Sperm is produced in your testicles—the sac that hangs below your penis (scrotum) Sperm are damaged or killed by heat—this is why they are produced in a sac outside of the body so it has a cooler temperature
S PERM : W HAT IS IT ? (C ONT.) Sperm are released from the testicles and epididymis and move their way toward the penis Along the way, sperm is mixed with fluid to help if move easier—now it’s called semen Semen is a whitish and sticky (you cannot see sperm in the semen because it’s microscopic) Semen leaves your penis through the urethra, which is the same tube urine exits through, but never at the same time as semen
DON’T WORRY! This is all NORMAL! ALL boys go through this
Q UESTIONS ? Write question on a notecard; fold it and place it in the Question Box Everyone must write something on the notecard All questions are good