Essential Question How can I organize my extensive notes to become more manageable for studying? Learning Outcomes - Students will: Preview – What have we studied? Learn about their test Practice using a mind map maker Success Criteria I can create a mindmap explaining the breakdown of the Grand Alliance
What topics have we looked at in semester 2 so far? Breakdown of the Grand Alliance US and USSR foreign policy Your personal project
4 classes
Topics on the test Cold War – 1945 until 1968 (minus Vietnam) Skills Timed Essay – students will receive a choice of 2 questions Students will not know the question before the test
What information do you have? Classnotes Textbook readings Personal Research How can remember all of this? Mind map Timelines Comparisons
mindmud mindmud This is one option on creating a mind map for our first topic Using your notes + textbook, let’s add important information to answer why the Grand Alliance broke down?
Essential Question How can I organize my extensive notes to become more manageable for studying? Learning Outcomes - Students will: Watch the teacher create a timeline for the Cold War Create their own timeline Success Criteria I can create a timeline using my notes and the textbook
What topics have we looked at in semester 2 so far? Breakdown of the Grand Alliance US and USSR foreign policy Your personal project
4 classes
Using the following link, students will create a timeline for the main events during the period from 1946 – 1955 Topic – Cold War Foreign Policy ▪ Use your notes and the textbook to put info in the timeline
Essential Question How can I organize my extensive notes to become more manageable for studying? Learning Outcomes - Students will: Complete a chart outlining key events during the Crisis years Success Criteria With my partner, I can find the significance of key events during the Cold War
What topics have we looked at in semester 2 so far? Breakdown of the Grand Alliance US and USSR foreign policy Your personal project ▪ Cold War Crisis
1. Nikita Khrushchev 2. Hungarian Crisis 3. Sputnik 4. U2 Crisis 5. Peaceful Coexistence 6. John F. Kennedy 7. Berlin Wall 8. Cuban Missile Crisis 9. Prague Spring 10. Brezhnev Doctrine 11. Leonid Brezhenev
4 classes
Students completed a personal project on a topic within this timeframe However, you are not just responsible for your topic, you are responsible for understanding the key events within this timeframe
Event What Happened USSR ResponseUS ResponseSignificance? Hungarian Crisis Arms Race U2 Crisis Berlin Wall Cuban Missile Crisis Prague Spring With a Partner, complete the each section of the table Evidence is required for each section Textbook, internet, your previous research Evidence is required for each section Textbook, internet, your previous research